di-GPS® is a registered trademark or a trademark of Dawn Technology Limited
Nikon D2HS, D2X, D2XS, D200, D3, D3X, D300, D300S and D700 are registered trademark or a trademark of NIKON CORPORATION in the United
States and/or other countries.
Fujifilm and S5 Pro are registered trademark or a trademark of FUJIFILM U.S.A., Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Canon and EOS are registered trademark or a trademark of Canon Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
di-GPS® Pro L
to PC
di-GPS® Pro L can be connected to any PC with USB port. A 10-pin connector to USB
cable is supplied for PC connection.
di-GPS® Pro L supports Windows and Mac OSX. The Virtual COM Port Drivers for
different OS can be downloaded at di-GPS® support page http://www.di-gps.com/di-
1. Disconnect the di-GPS® Pro L from the camera.
2. Remove the Cap from the 10 pin remote terminal on di-GPS® Pro L body.
3. Store the Cap in a safe place.
4. Connect di-GPS® Pro L with the supplied 10-pin connector to USB cable. Do not
use any extension cord. The 10-pin connector must be aligned with the mark on
di-GPS® Pro L body. Tighten the locking nut on the 10 pin connector.
5. Connect USB cable to USB port of PC.
6. If di-GPS® Pro L is properly connected, the Green LED will start to flash,
indicating the GPS receiver is searching for a signal. The Green LED will stay on
once signal has been established and the receiver is ready to supply the current
di-GPS® Pro L will automatically detect the connection of the USB port. The power
switch will be disabled when connected to PC. The power switch only functions when
connected to DSLR camera.
di-GPS® -Link Software is used for the data logger configuration. Please refer to Glink
user guide for log configuration and data download. di-GPS® -Link software and user
guide can be downloaded at http://www.di-gps.com/di-gps/support.htm.
Do not connect USB cable to PC and 10-pin cable to camera at the same time.