di-GPS® is a registered trademark or a trademark of Dawn Technology Limited
Nikon D2HS, D2X, D2XS, D200, D3, D3X, D300, D300S and D700 are registered trademark or a trademark of NIKON CORPORATION in the United
States and/or other countries.
Fujifilm and S5 Pro are registered trademark or a trademark of FUJIFILM U.S.A., Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Canon and EOS are registered trademark or a trademark of Canon Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
di-GPS® Pro L
to camera
Connect the DSLR camera and di-GPS® Pro L as described below.
1. Turn off the camera.
2. Remove the Cap from the 10 pin remote terminal on the camera body.
3. Store the Cap in a safe place.
4. Connect di-
GPS® Pro L to the camera’s 10 pin remote terminal with 10 pin
connector. Do not use any extension cord. The 10 pin connector must be
aligned with the mark on the camera body. Tighten the locking nut on the 10 pin
Switch the power mode to “On” or “Auto”.
6. Turn the camera on.
7. If di-GPS® Pro L is properly connected, the camera will display a blinking icon in
the top control panel as the GPS receiver is searching for a signal. The icon will
stop blinking once signal has been established and the receiver is ready to
supply the current position.
di-GPS® Pro L will automatically detect the connection of the camera. It cannot be
turned on when the camera is not connected whatever the power mode switch is set to
"On" or "Auto". Both "On" and "Auto" mode is only function when the camera is properly
Each satellite broadcasts a digital message that contains two types of information. One
type is ephemeris data, which includes the assigned serial number of the satellite; the
status of the satellite (healthy or faulty); the current date and time. The second type is
almanac data and includes precise orbital position of every satellite in the system.
At the initialize stage, di-GPS® Pro L needs all these data for the position fixed. It
usually takes a minute to few minutes to receive all data. An open sky outdoor
environment will enable faster acquisition process. It will take a longer time at a weak
signal environment. Once di-GPS® Pro L locked to the satellites, it will only take a few
seconds for reacquisition even at weak signal environment.