Wheelchair and commercial lifts are NOT designed to lift / lower weights corresponding to their maximum rated capacity over
the entire surface of the platform. The maximum rated capacity is valid at a center point of maximum load of 500 mm behind
the inboard platform edge. Behind that point, the maximum safe working load diminishes.
When lifting (= function UP), the lift is normally protected against overload by the pressure relief valve in the hydraulic circuit.
Most of overload events and resulting damage happen when lowering loads (= function DOWN).
In order to prevent premature wear or damage of the lift, possibly resulting in accidents with injuries, it is important to follow the
instructions below.
The maximum rated capacity is indicated on the serial number decal and on the CE certificate of conformity. It is the maximum
weight allowed to be carried on the platform in the best possible circumstances. This is under the following conditions:
In longitudinal direction: the load or wheelchair is placed as close as possible to the vehicle and the inboard platform edge.
In lateral direction: the load or wheelchair is placed in a central position between the lift arms (not out of center to one of
the sides of the platform).
Whenever the loading circumstances deviate from these best possible conditions, the safe working load (=SWL) decreases by
The dimensions of the load or wheelchair should never exceed those of the platform. The load or wheelchair should never
protrude beyond the perimeter of the platform.