Mounting overhead rail and lift unit
1, 2. Insert the upright in the corner piece and secure with two bolts.
Do the same with the other upright and corner piece.
3. Mount the bolts on the rail, on both sides.
4. Insert the rail in one of the corner pieces and tighten.
Remember to mount the lift unit/carriage before mounting the other upright.
5. Mount the lift unit according to one of the following alternatives:
1. Lift unit with built-in carriage:
The lift unit is mounted on the rail (see image) before the other end of the rail is secured to the corner piece.
2. Portable lift unit with separate carriage:
Mount the carriage on the rail before the other end of the rail is secured to the corner piece. When the entire lift stand is
assembled, the portable lift unit can be installed.
For operating instructions, see the manual for the respective lift unit.
6. To prevent the lift unit from travelling along the rail during assembly of the second upright, the lift unit must be
anchored to the first upright. We recommend the use of an end stop for anchoring the lift unit. After assembly, this can
be moved to the other end of the rail and left in place.
7. Secure the other end of the rail to the other corner piece, as in image 4, 7.
150 mm