© 2011 DHD Deubner Hoffmann Digital GmbH
Series 52 - 52/SX Compact Mixing Console Installation Guide
Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. The content of this document is for information only. The information presented in this document does not form part
of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use.
Publication thereof does neither convey nor imply any license under patent rights or other industrial or intellectual property rights.
The Meaning of Advices in the Text
The demands and advices in this fields should be followed unconditional, because otherwise hardware
and software products, data bases, as well as persons may suffer a loss.
The demands and advices in this fields should be followed, because these contents are necessary for the
proper operation of the DHD systems.
Recommendations and further information are marked as notes. Sometimes you will also find off-topic
content in this field, which is related to the actual topic.
Tips are helpful advices, which should make work with DHD systems easier.
In this fields you can find links to websites, which include for example an other manual or the possibility to
download a driver for the respective DHD system.
Please notice, that you need an active internet connection to be able to execute a link to an URL.
You can directly open and download a file if the respective link is marked as download link (file link).