audioShare Control Relay Module Installation Guide v00r01-090421.wpd
Appendix A
CRM Status/Diagnostic Codes
The following is a list of diagnostic status and failure codes for
CRMs as displayed
by the red LED. Contact DHC Tech Support for assistance.
Status Indicators
The first two codes only apply to unprogrammed units. Since units are pre-programmed
at the factory prior to shipping, you should never see the first two diagnostic codes. If you do
encounter this situation it means the unit is unprogrammed. Simply allow it to complete its
diagnostic test sequence, then follow the
Software Configuration
instructions on page xx.
Quick repeating single flash = Diagnostic test in progress
Quick repeating double flash = Ready to program (diagnostic test passed)
Slow (one second) on-off-on-off, etc. = Programming in progress
Steady on = Done programming, ready for normal operation
Error Codes
The format of the error codes is a prefix followed by a function code as indicated by the flashing
LED. The prefix indicates the type of error (hardware or software) and the function code indicates
the specific function that failed. For example, in a 1-3 code the LED will flash once with a short
pause followed by 3 flashes followed by another pause. This sequence will repeat indefinitely. If
you encounter any of these diagnostic codes except for 2-3, contact DHC Tech Support. If you
encounter code 2-3, change the address switches on one or more of the CRMs to a different, unused
Prefix 1 = Hardware error
Prefix 2 = Software error
Code #
Memory error
Network error
Program error
Copyright error (pirated software)
Duplicate CRM address