Figure 9.
AMH Installation on PG7000 Platform
To install the AMH-38 mass handler on the PG7601 platform, proceed as follows
(see Figure 9).
Prepare the AMH-38:
Perform the AMH start up/verification procedure
describe in Section 2.7. This assures that the AMH mass selection columns
and pins are all correctly positioned.
Make sure that the mass lifting shaft is NOT installed on the mass bell.
If the KF-40 port on the side of the AMH is being used for the vacuum
reference connection, consider waiting to connect it after the AMH is on the
PG7601 platform.
Check that the large O-ring at the bottom inside circumference of the AMH-
38 vacuum chamber is well seated.
Lift the AMH-38 onto the PG7601 platform:
Using the handles on the side of
the AMH-38 vacuum chamber, lift the AMH-38 above the PG7601 platform and
masses. Center it over the mass load and gently lower it down until the bottom
circumference of the AMH-38 vacuum chamber reaches the PG7601 vacuum
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