If you have any additional questions about TurboSaw’™ maintenance and operation please contact your local dealer, or
contact a Turbo Saw service specialist at (405) 542-3520, e-mail [email protected]. We, at Dougherty Forestry
Manufacturing, are dedicated to providing quality forestry products that we are proud to have the Dougherty name on.
You are not just buying a tree saw, but a family owned business committed to your success.
211 W. Canyon Run, Hinton, OK. 73047
Call toll free: 1.888.444.2218 or 1.405.542.3520
Email: [email protected]
All rights reserved. No part of the Turbo Saw manual may be reproduced in any form without the
expressed written permission of Dougherty Forestry Manufacturing, Ltd. Co. This manual provides
information and instruction on the Turbo Saw. Dougherty Forestry Manufacturing reserves the right to
make changes to the Turbo Saw manual at any time without notice.