5 • SAFETy
Never operate the Turbo Saw near people or animals. Debris
can be thrown hundreds of feet. Flying debris can cause
serious injury or death. Never operate a modified Turbo Saw.
The Turbo Saw must have its protective features intact. DO
NOT allow children to operate the Turbo Saw attachment.
Keep bystanders 500 feet away from machine. Never operate
when impaired!
Be aware of your environment and location. Do not cut trees
in unsafe weather conditions. Rain, snow, wind, and other
weather variables can cause vehicles, attachments, and cut
material to behave uncontrollably. Do not cut trees near
electrical lines. A cut tree could fall, break an electrical line,
and cause serious injury or death. Do not cut near cliffs,
canyons, or other dangerous terrain. A collapsed embankment
could result in a fatal rollover. Avoid uneven terrain and steep
slopes as these could result in a fatal rollover.
1. Wear a mask to prevent inhalation of dust during
operation. Wear a mask during maintenance to prevent
inhalation of potentially hazardous fumes.
2. Wear safety goggles during operation and maintenance to
prevent injury from dust and flying debris.
3. Wear welding goggles if welding.
Only a licensed welder
should perform welds on any Turbo Saw units.
4. Wear earmuffs during operation and maintenance since
sudden or prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause
impairment or loss of hearing.
5. Wear gloves, boots, hard hat, and safety vest if operation
or maintenance job requires it.