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Delay Turn-on/off Switch 

The DIP switch (SW1) on the power board can be used to trun on or off the sys-

tem at a specific on/off delay time via car ignition.

SW1-2: System-on delay enable/disable

On (Default)

Enable  (delay time setting adjust-

able by SW1-4 and 1-5 as shown in 

the table below) 


Disable (System-on delay = 3 sec)

SW1-4 and 1-5: System-on delay time setting 

 4         5           Time

On     On      10  sec (default)

Off     On      30  sec

On     Off      1   min

Off     Off      5   min

SW1-3: System-off delay enable/disable

On (Default)

Enable  (delay time setting adjust-

able by SW1-6, 1-7 and 1-8 as 

shown in the table below) 


Disable (System-off delay = 0 sec)

SW1-6, 1-7 and 1-8: System-off delay time setting 

6        7       8           Time

On    On    On      30  sec (default) 

Off    On    On      1   min

On    Off    On      3   min

Off    Off    On      5   min

On    On    Off     10  min

Off    On    Off     15  min

On    Off    Off     30  min

Off    Off    Off     1    hr



The OS will start the shut-down procedure after the car ignition switches off. 
Please make sure that system-off delay time is sufficient to allow the OS to shut 
down completely.
