Expansion Slots
The system board is equipped with 1 AGP slot, 4
dedicated PCI slots and 1 shared PCI/CNR slot.
The AGP slot only supports 1.5V AGP 4x (1066MB/sec.
bandwidth) add-in cards. AGP is an interface designed
to support high performance 3D graphics cards for 3D
graphics applications. It handles large amounts of
graphics data with the following features:
• Pipelined memory read and write operations that hide
memory access latency.
• Demultiplexing of address and data on the bus for
nearly 100 percent efficiency.
CNR (Communication and Networking Riser) is an
interface that supports multi-channel audio, V.90
analog modem, phone-line based networking or 10/100
Ethernet based networking riser board.
Onboard Audio Features
• 18-bit stereo full-duplex codec with independent
variable sampling rate
• High quality differential CD input
• True stereo line level outputs
• Microsoft PC 2001 compliant
• PCI 2.2, CNR 1.0 “A” type and AC ’97 compliant
• Intel AGP version 2.0