Award BIOS Setup Utility
Select this option if you want to manually select
the options in the “DRAM CAS Latency” to
“Active to CMD (Trcd)” fields.
DRAM CAS Latency
This field is used to select the clock cycle of the SDRAM CAS
latency time. The option selected specifies the time before SDRAM
starts a read command after receiving it.
Bank Interleave
The options are Enabled and Disabled.
Precharge to Active (Trp)
The options are 6T/8T, 7T/10T, 5T/6T and 8T/12T
Tras Non-DDR400/DDR400 (Tras)
The options are 5T and 6T.
Active to CMD (Trcd)
The options are 2T, 3T, 4T and 5T.
DRAM Burst Length
The options are 4 and 8.
DRAM Drive Strength
The options are Auto and Manual. When this field is set to
Manual, you must select a value in the “DRAM Drive Value” field.
DRAM Drive Value
This field is used to select a value for the DRAM drive strength.
DDR DRAM Command Rate
The options are 1T Command and 2T Command.
Write Recovery Time
The options are 2T and 3T.