Extract Circuit
The Spin Contact in the Main Timer closes to provide 120VAC to the Spin Light. The Wash Motor Contact
remains closed and provides 120VAC to the closed Clockwise Micro Switch on the Reversing Timer. 120VAC
is then fed to the Counter Clockwise Micro Switch via a jumper wire. Power is then sent through the Coun-
ter Clockwise Micro Switch to the Delay Spin Micro Switch. The Delay Spin Micro Switch provides 120VAC
to the Spin Motor Contact in the Main Timer on the blue/white wire. The Spin Motor Contact is closed for
spin and the voltage continues on to the R2 Spin Motor Contactor Coil on the red/black wire. With 120VAC
to the R2 Spin Motor Contactor Coil the Contactor is pulled down (closed) and two things happen. With
the R2 Contactor closed, 120VAC is now provided from the orange wire directly to the Contactor eliminat-
ing the Reversing Timer and the Micro Switches from the circuit.
The second thing that happens when the R2 Contactor is closed is that voltage is provided directly to the
Spin Winding in the motor on 3 phase machines and the washer spins.
On 1 phase washers, the R2 Contactor provides 120VAC to the Main Spin Winding and also provides
120VAC to the Solid State Start Switch Terminal #2. 120VAC goes out of the Solid State Start Switch on
the #3 Terminal to the Spin Capacitor. The Spin Capacitor then provides 120VAC to the Phase Spin Wind-
ing until the Spin Motor comes up to speed. Within a few seconds of start up, the Solid State Start Switch
senses that the Spin Motor Current has dropped (motor is up to speed) and opens the circuit on #3 Ter-
minal on the Solid State Start Switch. This eliminates voltage to the phase winding (start winding) and the
motor continues to run on the Main Winding.
Unlock Thermoactuator and Shake Out Circuit
The Lock Thermoactuator Contact in the Main Timer opens 1 1/2 minutes before the end of the cycle
removing the neutral to the Thermoactuator. This allows the Thermoactuator time to retract by the end of
the cycle.
To insure that the Lock Thermoactuator has retracted by the end of the cycle, 1 minute prior to the end
of the cycle, the Unlock Thermoactuator is powered with 120VAC through the Unlock Thermoactuator
Contact in the Main Timer.
The Spin Motor Contact in the Main Timer opens, stopping voltage to the R2 Spin Motor Relay & the mo-
tor. The basket will coast to a stop. The Wash Motor Contact in the Main Timer closes providing power to
the Reversing Timer once again (discussed in Wash Cycle). The washer will tumble for approximately 30
seconds to let the clothes shake loose and then stop.
End of Cycle Circuit
The On-Off Contact in the Main Timer opens removing power to the Door Lock Switches and Contactors.
The machine is now stopped. The Start Contact on the Main Timer is closed providing 120VAC to the Coin
Accumulator Board on the white/green wire.
The End Of Cycle Contact in the Main Timer is closed sending a 120VAC signal to the Coin Accumulator
Board on the white/yellow wire telling it that the cycle is over. This does 2 things:
1. The beeper will signal for 3 seconds letting the user know that it is the end of the cycle.
2. It resets the Coin Accumulator Board and it is now ready to count coins again.
Part # 8533-035-002 4/22
Part # 8533-035-002 4/22
& Operation