DEWE2-M13s • Technical Reference Manual • Printing version 1.0.2 • June 27, 2017
11 RS-232 interface connector (COM1)
The RS-232 interface connector (male) is located on the front side of the DEWE2-M13s. It is configured as standard RS-
232 interface COM 1 and can be used for mouse or other peripheral units.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Pin assignment
1: DCD (Data Carrier Detector)
2: RD (Received Data)
3: TD (Transmitted Data)
4: DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
5: GND (Ground)
6: DSR (Data Set Ready)
7: RTS (Request To Send)
8: CTS (Clear To Send)
9: RI (Ring Indicator)
9-pin SUB-D connector (male)
12 VGA connector
The VGA connector offers the possibility to connect a standard VGA displays to the system.
The VGA connector meets standard VGA pin assignment.
13 PS/2 connector
The PS/2 connector is used to connect a mouse / keyboard to the DEWE2-M13s.
The connector meets standard PS/2 pin assignment.
14 Power-on switch
The power-on switch has to be used to switch on the system.
15 WLAN antenna
The DEWE2-M13s supports 802.11 b/g/n WLAN standards.
16 EPAD connector (LEMO)
To connect DEWETRON EPAD modules to the system.
Lemo EGG.1B.304
Pin assignment
1: RS-485 A
2: RS-485 B
3: +12 V
4: GND
Shield is connected on housing
Mating connector:
LEMO FGG.1B.304.CLAD52Z (for cable diameter 4.1 to 5.0 mm)
LEMO FGG.1B.304.CLAD62Z (for cable diameter 5.1 to 6.0 mm)
17 Slot for battery packs (optional)
The DEWE2-M13s with option DW2-PS-BAT supports a slot for up to 4 smart battery packs. Standard shipment
includes 3 smart batteries, more can be ordered additionally (option BAT-89WH). Further information see chapter
Power supply