User’s Manual Version 1.2
Devolinx Serial-Ethernet Server
Copyright © 2007 Aaxeon Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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4.5 Virtual COM Mode
Virtual COM driver mode for windows converts COM data to LAN data to control the RS-232C port on a
STE-601C via the LAN. By creating virtual COM ports on the PC, Virtual COM redirects the communications
from the virtual COM ports to an IP address and port number on a STE-601C that connects the serial line
device to the network. The following figure is Virtual COM connection diagram.
4.5.1 Setup of a virtual COM driver
Pre-installation requirements
Please check the operation system on your PC complied with the following requirements:
Processor: Intel-compatible, Pentium class
Operation system: Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0
SP5 or later, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95, Microsoft NT/2000 Terminal Server,
Citrix MetaFrame
Windows Installer 2.0