If you’re using a DAW or other third-party audio software in combination with this interface,
you can find more options to weaken or amplify your audio signals.
It’s recommended to record and process optimised signals, especially when it concerns
audio editing or sound production. Weakening the signal can always be carried out without
risking a loss of quality. On the contrary, amplification may result in loss of quality.
Please note, the Centro software allows you to mute all inputs and outputs. This
functionality is not linked to any of the hardware. If no sound is coming from the inputs and
outputs, please check the Centro software settings.
This setting could be featured in other third-party audio software as well and may require
The informaton shown in this user manual is subject to change without further notice.
Date of creation and author's initials:
24-10-2019 RV
Date of revision and author's initials: -