4. Bind seal tape1.5 laps on thread of Housing (10). Careful not to cover the hole in front of the thread.
5. Set Needle Seal Kit (7) on the shaft of T-AGB-HW-1 Housing Wrench and assemble on Gun Body (6).
Tighten as follows.
Screw Needle Seal Kit (7) with T-AGB-HW-1 Housing Wrench from the backside of the Gun Body
Pressure 0.1Mpa on Fluid Inlet. (For circulating system, close the one side.
Press the point of Fluid Tip (3) to stop the air and tighten until the air stops leaking from 3mm hole.
6. Apply petroleum jelly on Piston Cup (14) of Needle Assy and insert into gun.
7. Insert Needle Spring (18), Lock Nut (19) and assemble Adjusting Screw (20) at the position of 3.5
counter-clockwise turns from fully closed position
8. Pressure 0.34Mpa on CYL and check the movement of needle.