Pictures for illustra tive purpos es
Water connection
Softnened waters (not recommanded)
A water softener does not affect the quantity of mineral salts contained in the water but alters their nature, the
poly phosphate measuring dev ices as well.
An excess of sodium chloride may generate foam which disturbs greatly the correct running of the humidifier. It
is essential that a duplex softener be used.
A small volume of tap water must be added to the softener water to get a TH value of 10° minimum
(however a TH value of 12° is highly recommended). A water analysis should be made to determine the
sodium chloride content.
Far from what is generally considered, the use of softened waters does not bring down the maintenance f re-
quency. Only the use of reverse osmosis or demineralized water can space maintenance periods significantly.
TAKE CARE : the use of deminerilized water in combination with tap water is strictly prohibited.