DTC INST 158 – 18.4.11 ISSUE 2
General Details
General Details
General Details
General Details
The purchased product is a thermostatic sequential exposed shower valve.
The shower has a single lever which allows both control of temperature and flow.
The cold water is obtained by turning the lever from the OFF position anti-clockwise.
(NOTE: The temperature of the cold water depends on the system and the pre-set
temperature of the shower).
By turning the lever both flow and temperature will increase.
The maximum temperature has been pre-set under factory conditions at approx 45°c,
this can be adjusted by following the instructions shown in the section headed
Subject to correct installation, this mixer is suitable for any water system, in case of
instantaneous heaters, hot water flow must meet at last the minimum flow required by
the heater.
Technical D
Technical D
Technical D
Technical Data
The water supplies are connected to the mixer via two elbows, which include
compression nuts and olives to suit 15mm supply pipes.
The temperature setting has been carried out under factory conditions and in
accordance with BS EN1111.
The shower will be received with the outlet to the bottom and the hot inlet (red sticker)
to the left), if you require a top outlet, do not simply turn the valve over, you must
change the location of the blanking plug and outlet.
Remove the blanking plug using a wide blade screw driver and remove the outlet using
a 12mm allen key.
Once removed swap the plug and outlet and re-fit and tighten fully
Cleaning or replacing cartridge
Cleaning or replacing cartridge
Cleaning or replacing cartridge
Cleaning or replacing cartridge
Using a 30mm spanner unscrew the cartridge and flange (1) from the valve (2) by
turning anti-clockwise.
To clean the filters (1) of cartridge (2) keep parts 1,2 & 3 together and run under
warm water or soak in vinegar or de-scaling agent, then rinser thoroughly and
To replace cartridge, unscrew lower section of (2) from flange (3) by turning