65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 820027, Fax: +359 56 836700
E-mail: [email protected] ,Web: www.devabroadcast.com
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Network Status
are shown MAC address and current IP address, Network mask and
Gateway and the method in which they have been assigned: Static Allocation or allocated by
DHCP server. Shown are also the primary and secondary DNS servers.
Connection Status
is the place showing which one of the three available URLs is currently used,
device status (connected or disconnected), connection time, stream parameters and name.
Please note that if a compressed stream is used, Sample rate and Bitrate will be taken from the
stream. If the stream is in uncompressed format (PCM) then what is displayed for Sample rate and
Bitrate is what is set in the Configuration page.
In the upper right corner is located
icon. Clicking on the icon will toggle live data
as follows:
- live data is ON
- live data is OFF.