65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 820027, Fax: +359 56 836700
E-mail: [email protected] ,Web: www.devabroadcast.com
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All basic elements of the RDS/RBDS are displayed on the screen – PI, PS, RT, TA/TP, etc. The
Alternative frequencies are also available, represented in a list. DB4005 supports the two most
used ODA Applications. At your disposal are the Radio Text Plus and the Traffic Message Channel.
If your Radio station has RT+ or TMC – DB4005 will display the information from those ODA
Total groups Indicator – all received groups are systematized into a table, representing the
percentage/quantity of the groups in the received RDS/RBDS signal. The user selects how the
“Total groups received” data should be represented: as Percents (%) or as Count, by selecting the
corresponding button.
A BER Indicator with graphics is placed at the right bottom part of the screen, showing 60 sec.
history of the BER quantities.
The bit error rate or bit error ratio (BER) is the number of bit errors, divided by the total
number of transferred bits during the observed time interval. Result closer or equal to 0 indicates
that no bit errors are detected and vice versa - result closer or equal to 1 indicates that the received
transferred bits are only errors.