65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 820027, Fax: +359 56 836700
E-mail: [email protected] ,Web: www.devabroadcast.com
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Represents relative time interval.
Front panel buttons usage:
[UP] / [DOWN] – Increments/decrements value with one step. The unit value will be changed
automatically from seconds to minutes and vice-versa;
[OK] – Accept the changed value and exit edit mode;
[SB4] – Discards all changes and cancels edit mode.
Represents string.
Front panel buttons usage:
[LEFT] / [RIGHT] – Select edit marker position. If [RIGHT] button is pressed when the marker
is at the last character, a space character will be added at the end of the string. When the [LEFT]
button is pressed all trailing spaces will be removed;
[UP] / [DOWN] – Cycle through the possible values. Depending on the string context there
is a limitation in the permitted char set. For example phone number string can contain only
and blank space characters;
[OK] – Accept the changed value and exit edit mode. Some strings, like e-mail addresses, must
pass a validation check. If the validation fails, message box will appear. Press [OK] to dismiss the
message. Note that edit mode will not be left. For example:
If [OK] is pressed
If [OK] is pressed