Figure 5: 1-stage thermostat, electric heating only
Figure 6: 2-stage thermostat, electric heating only
Figure 7: 1-stage thermostat electric heat and cool-
ing application
Figure 8: 2-stage heating & 1-stage air conditioning
& heat pump thermostat
Figure 9: 2-stage heating & 2-stage air conditioning
& heat pump ther dehumidification mode
Anticipator adjustment (if required)
on thermostat equipped with heat
anticipator adjustment
Some thermostats are equipped with a heat anticipator
that must be adjusted according to the instructions sup-
plied. This is to ensure that the heating mode is comfort-
able and economical. Generally speaking, on a single
stage thermostat, a reading of the current must be taken
with an ammeter as follows:
1. Move the anticipator to its highest setting, render-
ing it ineffective.
2. Remove the wire from the W1 terminal of the fur-
nace and connect an ammeter between the termi-
nal and the wire.
3. Call for heat by raising the set point on the thermo-
stat and allow the furnace to run for 3 to 4 minutes
to reach its peak output.
4. Once the current has stabilized, a reading should
be taken and the anticipator adjusted to that value.
If longer heating cycles are desired, the anticipator
can be set to a higher value
Air ducts
The ducts must be sized such a way as to accommodate
the specified airflow and the available static pressure.