17 TS-12Rev
- 7 -
To avoid injury from flying debris when using compressed air, wear adequate eye
protection (face shield or safety goggles) and do not exceed 40 psi (276 kPa) air
12. If light corrosion is present in the ACM 21-pin and 120-pin connectors, clean them with
commercially available electrical contact cleaner and an insulative nylon brush such as
Techni-Stat Insulative Brush P/N: 758PR499 (reference Figure 10) or Techni-Tool ESD
Brush P/N: 758PR121. Gently blow out the connector with compressed air until dry.
Figure 10
– Insulative Nylon Brush used for Connector Cleaning
13. If reusing the existing ATS harness or installing a new ATS harness P/N: A4721503620,
install anti-chaffing tape around all exposed wires as shown in Figure 11.
Overlap the tape
by 50%
and proceed to step 14. If installing a new ATS harness P/N: A4721504320, note
that it already comes with anti-chaffing tape under the loom and proceed to step 15.
Figure 11
– Anti-Chaffing Tape Installation