17 TS-12Rev
- 6 -
10. Inspect the ATS harness 21-pin and 120-pin connectors for excessive corrosion. Reference
Figure 8. Is excessive corrosion present at one or both connectors?
a. Yes; replace the ATS harness. Reference the removal and installation sections for the 1-
BOX™ Aftertreatment Harness in the
GHG17 Heavy Duty Workshop Manual
SVC-MAN-0190). Instructions for adding anti-chaffing tape are further below.
b. No; the harness will be reused.
Figure 8
– ATS Harness 21-pin and 120-pin Connector Inspection
11. Inspect the ACM 21-pin and 120-pin connectors for excessive corrosion. Reference Figure
9. Is excessive corrosion present at one or both connectors?
a. Yes; replace the ACM. Reference the removal and installation sections for the 1-
Aftertreatment Control Module in the
GHG17 Heavy Duty Workshop Manual
MAN-0190). Go to step 13.
b. No; go to step 12.
Figure 9
– ACM 21-pin and 120-pin Connector Inspection