background image


•   The  ventilation  should  not  be  impeded  by  covering  the  ventilation  openings  with  items, 

such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.

•  No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus.

•  Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects battery disposal.

•  Do not expose the set to dripping or splashing fluids.

•  No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.


•   Die  Belüftung  sollte  auf  keinen  Fall  durch  das Abdecken  der  Belüftungsöffnungen  durch 

Gegenstände  wie  beispielsweise  Zeitungen,  Tischtücher,  Vorhänge  o.  Ä.  behindert 


•   Auf  dem  Gerät  sollten  keinerlei  direkte  Feuerquellen  wie  beispielsweise  angezündete 

Kerzen aufgestellt werden.

•   Bitte beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung der Batterien die geltenden Umweltbestimmungen.

•   Das Gerät sollte keiner tropfenden oder spritzenden Flüssigkeit ausgesetzt werden.

•   Auf dem Gerät sollten keinerlei mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Behälter wie beispielsweise Vasen  

aufgestellt werden.


•   La ventilation ne doit pas être gênée en recouvrant les ouvertures de la ventilation avec des 

objets tels que journaux, rideaux, tissus, etc.

•  Aucune flamme nue, par exemple une bougie, ne doit être placée sur l’appareil.

•  Veillez à respecter I’environnement lorsque vous jetez les piles usagées.

•  L’appareil ne doit pas être exposé à l’eau ou à l’humidité.

•  Aucun objet conten ant du liquide, par exemple un vase, ne doit étre placé sur l’appareil.


•   Le  aperture  di  ventilazione  non  devono  essere  ostruite  coprendole  con  oggetti,  quali 

giornali, tovaglie, tende e così via.

•  Non posizionate sull’unità fiamme libere, come ad esempio le candele accese.

•   Prestate  attenzione  agli  aspetti  legati  alla  tutela  dell’ambiente  quando  si  smaltisce  la 


•  L’apparecchiatura non deve essere esposta a gocciolii o spruzzi.

•   Non posizionate sull’apparecchiatura nessun oggetto contenente liquidi, come ad esempio 

i vasi.


•   La  ventilación  no  debe  quedar  obstruida  por  haberse  cubierto  las  aperturas  con  objetos 

como periódicos, manteles, cortinas, etc.

•   No debe colocarse sobre el aparato ninguna fuente inflamable sin protección, como velas 


•   A  la  hora  de  deshacerse  de  las  pilas,  respete  la  normativa  para  el  cuidado  del  medio 


•  No exponendrà el aparato al goteo o salpicaduras cuando se utilice.

•  No se colocaràn sobre el aparato objetos llenos de líquido, como jarros.


•   De ventilatie mag niet worden belemmerd door de ventilatieopeningen af te dekken met 

bijvoorbeeld kranten, een tafelkleed, gordijnen, enz.

•  Plaats geen open vlammen, bijvoorbeeld een brandende kaars, op het apparaat.

•  Houd u steeds aan de milieuvoorschriften wanneer u gebruikte batterijen wegdoet.

•  Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan druppels of spatten.

•  Plaats geen voorwerpen gevuld met water, bijvoorbeeld een vaas, op het apparaat.


•   Ventilationen bör inte förhindras genom att täcka för ventilationsöppningarna med föremål 

såsom tidningar, bordsdukar, gardiner osv.

•  Inga blottade brandkällor, såsom tända ljus, bör placeras på apparaten.

•  Tänk på miljöaspekterna när du bortskaffar batteri.

•  Apparaten får inte utsättas för vätska.

•  Inga objekt med vätskor,såsom vaser, får placeras på apparaten.

•  Avoid high temperatures.

  Allow for sufficient heat dispersion when installed in a rack.

•  Vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen.

  Beachten Sie, dass eine ausreichende Belüftung gewährleistet 

wird, wenn das Gerät auf ein Regal gestellt wird.

•  Eviter des températures élevées. 

  Tenir compte d’une dispersion de chaleur suffisante lors de 

l’installation sur une étagère.

•  Evitate di esporre l’unità a temperature elevate.

  Assicuratevi  che  vi  sia  un’adeguata  dispersione  del  calore 

quando installate l’unità in un mobile per componenti audio.

•  Evite altas temperaturas.

  Permite  la  suficiente  dispersión  del  calor  cuando  está 

instalado en la consola.

•  Vermijd hoge temperaturen.

  Zorg  vocr  een  degelijk  hitteafvoer  indien  het  apparaat  op 

een rek wordt geplaatst.

•  Undvik höga temperaturer.

  Se  till  att  det  finns  möjlighet  till  god  värmeavledning  vid 

montering i ett rack.

•  Handle the power cord carefully.

  Hold the plug when unplugging the cord.

•  Gehen Sie vorsichtig mit dem Netzkabel um.

  Halten  Sie  das  Kabel  am  Stecker,  wenn  Sie  den  Stecker 


•  Manipuler le cordon d’alimentation avec précaution.

  Tenir la prise lors du débranchement du cordon.

•  Manneggiate il filo di alimentazione con cura.

  Agite per la spina quando scollegate il cavo dalla presa.

•  Maneje el cordón de energía con cuidado.

  Sostenga  el  enchufe  cuando  desconecte  el  cordón  de 


•  Hanteer het netsnoer voorzichtig.

  Houd  het  snoer  bij  de  stekker  vast  wanneer  deze  moet 

worden aan- of losgekoppeld.

•  Hantera nätkabeln varsamt.

  Håll i kabeln när den kopplas från el-uttaget.

•  Keep the apparatus free from moisture, water, and dust.

•  Halten  Sie  das  Gerät  von  Feuchtigkeit, Wasser  und  Staub 


•  Protéger l’appareil contre l’humidité, l’eau et la poussière.

•  Tenete  l’unità  lontana  dall’umidità,  dall’acqua  e  dalla 


•  Mantenga el equipo libre de humedad, agua y polvo.

•  Laat  geen  vochtigheid,  water  of  stof  in  het  apparaat 


•  Utsätt inte apparaten för fukt, vatten och damm.

•  Unplug the power cord when not using the apparatus for 

long periods of time.

•  Wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht verwendet werden soll, 

trennen Sie das Netzkabel vom Netzstecker.

•  Débrancher le cordon d’alimentation lorsque l’appareil n’est 

pas utilisé pendant de longues périodes.

•  Disinnestate il filo di alimentazione quando avete I’intenzione 

di non usare il filo di alimentazione per un lungo periodo di 


•  Desconecte el cordón de energía cuando no utilice el equipo 

por mucho tiempo.

•  Neem  altijd  het  netsnoer  uit  het  stopkontakt  wanneer  het 

apparaat gedurende een lange periode niet wordt gebruikt.

•  Koppla ur nätkabeln om apparaten inte kommer att användas 

i lång tid.

* (For apparatuses with ventilation holes)

•  Do not obstruct the ventilation holes.

•  Die Belüftungsöffnungen dürfen nicht verdeckt werden.

•  Ne pas obstruer les trous d’aération.

•  Non coprite i fori di ventilazione.

•  No obstruya los orificios de ventilación.

•  De ventilatieopeningen mogen niet worden beblokkeerd.

•  Täpp inte till ventilationsöppningarna.

•  Do not let foreign objects into the set.

•  Keine fremden Gegenstände in das Gerät kommen lassen.

•  Ne pas laisser des objets étrangers dans l’appareil.

•  E’  importante  che  nessun  oggetto  e  inserito  all’interno 


•  No deje objetos extraños dentro del equipo.

•  Laat geen vreemde voorwerpen in dit apparaat vallen.

•  Se till att främmande föremål inte tränger in i apparaten.

•  Do  not  let  insecticides,  benzene,  and  thinner  come  in 

contact with the apparatus.

•  Lassen  Sie  das  Gerät  nicht  mit  Insektiziden,  Benzin  oder 

Verdünnungsmitteln in Berührung kommen.

•  Ne pas mettre en contact des insecticides, du benzène et 

un diluant avec l’appareil.

•  Assicuratevvi  che  l’unità  non  venga  in  contatto  con 

insetticidi, benzolo o solventi.

•  No permita el contacto de insecticidas, gasolina y diluyentes 

con el equipo.

•  Laat  geen  insektenverdelgende  middelen,  benzine  of 

verfverdunner met dit apparaat in kontakt komen.

•  Se  till  att  inte  insektsmedel  på  spraybruk,  bensen  och 

thinner kommer i kontakt med apparatens hölje.

•  Never disassemble or modify the apparatus in any way.

•  Versuchen Sie niemals das Gerät auseinander zu nehmen 

oder auf jegliche Art zu verändern.

•  Ne jamais démonter ou modifier l’appareil d’une manière ou 

d’une autre.

•  Non smontate mai, né modificate l’unità in nessun modo.

•  Nunca desarme o modifique el equipo de ninguna manera.

•  Nocit  dit  apparaat  demonteren  of  op  andere  wijze 


•  Ta inte isär apparaten och försök inte bygga om den. 












Summary of Contents for D-M38

Page 1: ...CD RECEIVER RCD M38 Owner s Manual Manuel de l Utilisateur Manual del usuario 1 RCDM38E3 ENG 004 1st indd F1 1 RCDM38E3 ENG 004 1st indd F1 2010 05 17 14 17 02 2010 05 17 14 17 02 ...

Page 2: ...sories specified by the manufacturer 12 Use only with the cart stand tripod bracket or table specified by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus When a cart is used use caution when moving the cart apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip over 13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time 14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel Servi...

Page 3: ...ver disassemble or modify the unit in any way Ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspapers tablecloths or curtains Naked flame sources such as lighted candles should not be placed on the unit Observe and follow local regulations regarding battery disposal Do not expose the unit to dripping or splashing fluids Do not place objects filled with liq...

Page 4: ...3 Playing CDs 13 Playing repeatedly Repeat playback 13 Playing random order Random playback 13 Playing tracks in the desired order Program playback 13 Switching the display 13 Tuner playback 14 Tuning in Broadcast Stations 14 Automatically presetting FM stations Auto preset 14 Presetting FM AM stations manually 15 Listening to preset stations 15 Setting the preset channels and changing the receive...

Page 5: ...long periods of time the surface of the optical pickup may get dirty preventing it from receiving signals properly About condensation If there is a major difference in temperature between the inside of the unit and its surroundings condensation may form on parts inside the unit causing it to fail to operate properly If this happens let the unit sit for an hour or two with the power turned off and ...

Page 6: ...iscs on which the sticky part of cellophane tape or labels is exposed or on which there are traces of where labels have been removed Such discs can get caught inside the player and damage it Cautions on handling Do not get fingerprints oil or dirt on discs Take special care not to scratch discs when removing them from their cases Do not bend or heat discs Do not enlarge the hole in the center Do no...

Page 7: of batteries Do not attempt to charge dry batteries Do not short circuit disassemble heat or dispose of batteries in a fire If the battery fluid leaks carefully wipe the fluid off the inside of the battery compartment and insert new batteries Remove the batteries from the remote control if it will not be used for a long time Used batteries should be disposed of in accordance with the local regulat...

Page 8: ...emote control signal reception indicator eTimer operation indicator rPlay mode indicator 13 18 20 tTOTAL indicator Lights when the total number of tracks and total time of the CD are displayed yTuner reception mode indicators 14 uTone indicators 12 SDB Lights when the super dynamic bass function is set to ON TONE Lights when the tone bass treble is being adjusted iPlayback mode indicators 1 During...

Page 9: ...tton 12 iCLOCK button 11 qNumber buttons 13 wPROG DIRECT button 13 eRANDOM button 13 rSOURCE button 11 13 tCD 1 3 button 11 13 yFOLDER MODE button 18 uTIME DISPLAY button 13 iCLEAR DEL button 13 oREPEAT button 13 Q0Fast reverse Fast forward buttons 6 7 13 Q1Reverse skip Forward skip buttons 8 9 13 Q2Stop button 2 13 Q3ENTER Memory button ENTER MEMO 18 Q4Cursor buttons uio p 18 Part names and funct...

Page 10: ...n 19 21 eSOURCE button 20 rFOLDER MODE button 20 tTIME DISPLAY button 19 yREPEAT button 19 21 uFast reverse Fast forward buttons 6 7 19 21 iReverse skip Forward skip buttons 8 9 19 20 oUSB iPod 1 3 button 19 20 Q0Stop button 2 21 Q1DOCK 1 3 button 23 Q2ENTER Memory button ENTER MEMO 19 20 Q3Cursor buttons uio p 19 20 Q4REMOTE BROWSE button 19 n Buttons that work with the tuner The buttons listed a...

Page 11: ... 4 Turn the speaker terminal clockwise to tighten it NOTE Use speakers with an impedance of 6 to 16 Ω The protection circuit may be activated if speakers with an impedance other than specified are used Connect the speaker cables so they do not stick out of the speaker terminals The protection circuit may be activated if the wires touch the rear panel or if the and sides touch each other v Protectio...

Page 12: ...ntenna Supplied White Black NOTE Do not connect two FM antennas simultaneously Even if an external AM antenna is used do not disconnect the AM loop antenna Make sure the AM loop antenna lead terminals do not touch metal parts of the panel If you are unable to receive a good broadcast signal we recommend installing an outdoor antenna Inquire at the retail store where you purchased the unit for deta...

Page 13: ...layer playback vpage 20 n USB memory device playback vpage 20 n Setting the timer vpage 21 Preparations Turning the power on Press ON STANDBY The power turns on Press again to set the power to standby Power indicator Standby Off Power on Green When the timer is set Orange NOTE Power continues to be supplied to some of the circuitry even when the power is in the standby mode When leaving home for l...

Page 14: ... are displayed 3 Use ui to select CLOCK SETUP then press ENTER MEMO or p M E N U C L O C K S E T U P 4 Use ui to set the hours C L O C K S E T U P A M 1 0 0 0 5 Press ENTER MEMO or p The minutes display flashes 6 Use ui to set the minutes C L O C K S E T U P A M 1 0 1 5 7 Press ENTER MEMO or p The current time is set and the normal display reappears n Checking the current time when the power is on ...

Page 15: ...ANCE Adjusts the left right volume balance Variable range L06 CENTER R06 S DIRECT Plays back a disc using the SOURCE DIRECT mode During the SOURCE DIRECT mode the audio signals bypass the tone control circuits SDB BASS TREBLE BALANCE the music reproduction is more faithful to the original sound Settings made upon purchase SDB OFF BASS 0dB TREBLE 0dB BALANCE CENTER S DIRECT OFF When SDB is ON you c...

Page 16: ...ode is canceled if you open the disc tray or turn off power Playing random order Random playback 1 In the stop mode press RANDOM The RANDOM indicator lights 2 Press 1 3 or CD 1 3 The tracks start playing in random order If REPEAT is pressed during random playback after the current session of random playback is finished another session in a different order of tracks starts NOTE Random play cannot be...

Page 17: ...age 9 1 Press TUNER or BAND 2 to select the reception band FM AUTO FM MONO AM GAbout the displayH When FM AUTO is selected AUTO is displayed When FM MONO is selected MONO is displayed When AM is selected The reception mode is not displayed 2 Use TU TU to select the reception band When a station is received the TUNED indication will light If the function is set to something other than TUNER press T...

Page 18: ...acters can be input 1 Tune in the preset channel you want to name 2 Press ENTER MEMO twice The display switches to the station name input display 3 Input the station name Names of up to 8 characters can be input u i button Selects the character p button Moves the cursor to the right CLEAR DEL button Deletes the currently selected character Characters that can be input A Z 0 9 z space 4 Press ENTER...

Page 19: ...a control dock for iPod the control dock for iPod must be set For details refer to the operating instructions of the control dock for iPod To use an iPod see Control dock for iPod iPod playback vpage 19 USB memory device USB NOTE A computer can not be connected to and operate the unit via its USB port Do not use an extension cable when connecting a USB memory device For details about USB memory de...

Page 20: ...dest date and time n Playback order of folders CD R CD RW For playback of files on CD R or CD RW files in all folders on the first layer are played first next on the second layer then next on the third layer and so on in this order USB memory device For playback of files recorded on USB files in the first folder on the first layer are played first next folders on the second layer in the folder then next on...

Page 21: ...ode or Disc Mode Folder Mode Disc Mode GAbout the displayH When Folder Mode is selected FLD indicator lights When Disc Mode is selected FLD indicator turns off Folder Mode All the files in the selected folder are played Disc Mode After the selected folder and files are played all the files in all the folders are played 3 Use FOLDER to select the folder to be played 4 Use 8 9 or o p to select the file...

Page 22: pressed Selectable mode Browse mode Remote mode Display location Main unit display iPod display Playable files Audio file 3 3 Video file 3 Active buttons Remote control and main unit 3 3 iPod 3 3 Use ui to select the item then press ENTER MEMO to select the music file to be played 4 Control dock for iPod operation Press 1 3 or DOCK 1 3 Playback starts iPod operation Press 1 3 or USB iPod 1 3 Playb...

Page 23: ...layed on this set Contents downloaded from pay sites on the Internet are copyright protected Also files encoded in WMA format when ripped from a CD etc on a computer may be copyright protected depending on the computer s settings USB memory device playback 1 Playback preparation vpage 17 Before playing a USB or an iPod 2 Press FOLDER MODE and select Folder Mode or Memory Mode GAbout the displayH Wh...

Page 24: This device can playback using the timer playback everyday timer once timer and sleep timer n Timer operation when the time settings for timers overlap When the sleep timer is set Automatically stops playback after the time set for the sleep timer has elapsed When the once timer and everyday timer are both set sleep timer is not set Automatically starts playback at the earlier timer start time ...

Page 25: ...r Use op to select ON or OFF for the timer then press ENTER MEMO The timer settings are displayed after this When set to OFF time operation is disabled but the timer settings remain unchanged n To check the timer settings q Press MENU w Use ui to select TIMER ON OFF then press ENTER MEMO e When ON is displayed for the timer setting press ENTER MEMO The timer settings are displayed for 3 seconds n ...

Page 26: ...g USB iPod 1 3 The source switches to USB and the USB starts playing DOCK 1 3 The source switches to AUX1 Dock and the iPod starts playing TUNER The source switches to TUNER and the band last set is tuned in Auto standby With the Auto standby ON this unit will automatically enter the standby mode after about 30 continuous minutes of stop mode with no operation 1 Press MENU 2 Use ui to select AUTO ...

Page 27: ...corded in a disc D Dynamic range The difference between the maximum undistorted sound level and the minimum sound level that is discernible above the noise emitted by the device F Finalize This is processing that enables playing back of disc of CD which was recorded using a recorder by other players M MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 This is an internationally standardized audio data compression scheme usin...

Page 28: ...mptom Cause Countermeasure Page Set does not work properly when remote control operated Batteries are worn You are operating outside of the specified range Obstacle between main unit and remote control The batteries are not inserted in the proper direction as indicated by the polarity marks in the battery compartment The set s remote control sensor is exposed to strong light direct sunlight fluoresc...

Page 29: ...rovement specifications and design are subject to change without notice Specifications Index vA Accessories 2 AM loop antenna 9 Audio cable 9 vB BASS 12 Bit rate 18 20 24 Browse mode 19 vC Cable 8 9 Pin plug cable 8 Speaker cable 8 Stereo pin plug cable 9 16 Characters 15 18 21 Connection 8 9 16 Antenna 9 Control dock for iPod 16 iPod 16 Power cord 10 Recording component 9 Speaker 8 USB memory devic...

Page 30: ...SPEAKER SC M37 Owner s Manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel de l Utilisateur Manuale delle istruzioni Manual del usuario Gebruiksaanwijzing Bruksanvisning ...

Page 31: ...kann wieder verwendet werden Bitte entsorgen Sie alle Materialien entsprechend der örtlichen Recycling Vorschriften Beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung des Gerätes die örtlichen Vorschriften und Bestimmungen Die Batterien dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll geworfen oder verbrannt werden bitte geben Sie die Batterien gemäß örtlichen Bestimmungen an den Sammelstellen oder Sondermüllplätzen ab Dieses Produkt z...

Page 32: ... calor cuando está instalado en la consola Vermijd hoge temperaturen Zorg vocr een degelijk hitteafvoer indien het apparaat op een rek wordt geplaatst Undvik höga temperaturer Se till att det finns möjlighet till god värmeavledning vid montering i ett rack Handle the power cord carefully Hold the plug when unplugging the cord Gehen Sie vorsichtig mit dem Netzkabel um Halten Sie das Kabel am Stecke...

Page 33: ...Cautions 2 Connections 3 Connections Specifications 4 Removing the Speaker Net 3 ENGLISH r t e The quality of the sound produced from the speaker is affected by the size and type of the room as well as by the method of installation Consider the points listed below before installing the speaker Cautions on Installation q Owner s Manual 1 w Service station list 1 e Speaker cable Approx 9 8 ft 3 m 2 ...

Page 34: note that applying strong force to the surface of the speaker through the saran net could damage the speaker ENGLISH Getting Started Connections When installing on a desktop or in the corner of your room the bass may emphasized Insert sound foam plug in the bass reflex duct at the back of the SC M37 You can adjust the bass sound with the amount of sound foam plug you insert Acoustic Sponge How ...

Page 35: ... s manual Connections Once connections are completed pull gently on the speaker cables to check that they are securely connected CAUTION Do not let the core wires of two speaker cables touch each other Doing so will short circuit the amplifier circuitry and damage the amplifier 1 Twist firmly the wires by hand so that they do not stick out and cause short circuits 2 Loosen the terminal by turning ...

Page 36: ...ensitivity 86 dB 1 W 1 m Crossover frequency 3 kHz Speakers 12 cm 4 3 4 cone bass mid x 1 2 5 cm 1 soft dome high range x 1 Maximum external dimensions 145 W x 233 H x 234 D mm 5 45 64 x 9 11 64 x 9 7 32 Weight 3 8 kg 8 lbs 6 oz b For improvement purposes specifications and design are subject to change without notice Specifications ENGLISH 4 Getting Started Specifications ...

Page 37: ...D M Holdings Inc Printed in China 5411 10457 004D www denon com 4 RCDM38E3 Backpage 004 indd 32 4 RCDM38E3 Backpage 004 indd 32 2010 05 17 14 13 07 2010 05 17 14 13 07 ...
