Rev. 02/01/18
VER SMS-YS0320140828-EN
This device is guaranteed for its designated use, against
original defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of 12 months from date of purchase.
Products warranty or service will not be extended if
(1) The product is repaired, modified, misused,
disassembled, or using the parts are not provided by the
manufacturer. (2) The serial number of the product is
defaced or missing.
The guarantee for accessories is 6 months. All
accessories of the device are damaged or needed to be
renewed, the user can purchase new accessories from the
The device is not repairable by user and contains no user
serviceable parts. No modification of this equipment is
allowed. The user must check that the equipment
functions safely and see that it is in proper working
condition before being used. The manufacturer does not
require such preventive inspections by other persons.
Please contact the sales distributor directly from
whom you have purchased this device for user’s
record and further after-sale service.