DA Series
Operation Manual
air compression. Since vapor in the environment will be concentrated during inflating, it will
be cooled in the posterior air pipeline and become condensate water. The water in the
compressed air shall be drained in the whole pipeline system of nearly all the air
compressors, therefore every customer shall pay more attention to the above issues during
the use of the air compressor, the design of the pipeline system and daily maintenance. The
common problems caused by water are as follows:
(1) The water of the internal system of the air compressor may emulsify the lubricating oil and the air
compressor will be scaled and stuck.
(2) The water in the pipeline of the internal system of the air compressor will contribute to such poor
conditions as corrosion and scale formation and even worse situations.
(3) The instrument is obstructed,
(4) The control valve is stuck,
(5) There is a risk for air pipeline outdoors to freeze under low temperature environment,
Any problem above may lead to suspending production of part of or the whole plant. The compressed-air
dryers of post treatment equipment may reduce the concentration of vapor to prevent the air pipeline
forming liquid water. The combined use of the dryer and the filter, the after-cooler and the automatic drain
valve can effectively improve the air quality in the air system. Using two types of dryers, i.e. refrigerated
dryer and regenerative dryer can solve the problem of containing water in the outside air system of the
compressor. When the dew point requirement of the compressed air pressure is 1
to 4
, the
refrigerated dryer can be applied generally, however when it is required to keep the dew point
requirement of the pressure below 1
, the regenerative dryer shall be used. Please contact local branch
or appointed distributor of Denair, which may help you choose the proper dryer.
Note: the rotary air compressor cannot be connected to a reciprocating air compressor system without
pulsation isolation device (e.g. sharable air tank).It is recommended that two different types of air
compressors should be connected to a common air tank via individual air pipeline.
A shut-off valve and a drain valve shall be provided for each air compressor in front of the sharable air
tank during parallel (selective assembly) installation of several air compressors in the plant.
(1) The drainage device shall be installed at backend of the air outlet of the compressor during
parallel connection.
(2) The drain valves of oil-gas barrels in the air compressor and air reservoirs of the
external system of the air compressor shall be opened to drain condensate water
completely before starting up the air compressor, to make sure that the oil products
of the unit will not be emulsified and the compressor will not be stuck due to
deterioration of oil products.