2. Short press the Next button to enter the “Follow mode
3. The Repeat icon
becomes the Follow icon
when your voice
will be recorded, for a period of time the A-B section set earlier.
4. After this period expires, the original will be played again, and the icon
changes to
when you can press the Next button to enter the com-
parison function
At this status, press the Last button to return to the “A-B” Repeat status.
Comparison function
(This function is not available in the Voice mode)
1. After you enter the comparison function, the repeat icon displays as
when you the original is played.
2. After the original is played, the icon changes to
when your voice
will be played.
At this status, switch the Last button to return to the “Follow Function”
status. At the three statuses described above, you can press the Mode but-
ton to exit the replay mode.
Replay times (play sub-menu)
For the procedure, please see “backlight period” setting. Repeat times is
the times of A-B repetition.
Replay gap (play sub-menu)
For the procedure, please see “backlight period” setting. Replay gap inte-
rval is the interval between two playing (in seconds).
E-space function
Some MP3 users are troubled with “data disclosure”. No one want to have
their own “personal data” be seen by others. When some friends borrow
your MP3 player, you have to first delete such “privacy” information, , which
poses as a great trouble.
From now on, the “E-space” feature available with this unit provides a so-
lution to this problem.
You can use the tool provided with this unit to divide the USB disk into two
parts of any percentage. (You can see two driver letters on your computer.
For Windows 2K, you have to install the SP4. Otherwise, you can only see
one driver letter. To see the other disk, you must uncheck “single common