LTL3000 User Manual / June 2020
The LTL3000 keeps a log of all the measurements conducted. You can see statistics for each series of data
and export the series data. S
tart by selecting ‘Log’ from the main menu. Series, that contain measurement
data, are now displayed in a list on the left side of the screen.
View series statistics:
Press the series on the list, you are interested in. The statistics are now shown on
the right side of the screen.
Count: number of measurements in the series
Avg.: an average of all the measurements in the series
Max: the highest value measured in the series
Min: the lowest value measured in the series
Export measurement data:
Series data can easily be exported to a USB stick for further analysis. To transfer data, simply choose the
relevant series (from the list on the left side) and press ‘Export Excel and Google Earth file(s)’. The data is
now transferred to the USB stick. Google Earth files will only be available if the instrument is equipped with
GNSS and if there is valid GNSS data recorded.
remember to insert a FAT32-formated USB memory stick in the USB port before you transfer the data.