RS-485 Communication
1. Supporting transmission speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400bps
2. Non-supported formats: 7, N, 1 or 8, O, 2 or 8, E, 2
3. Communication protocol: Modbus (ASCII or RTU)
4. Function code: 03H to read the contents of register (Max. 8 words). 06H to write 1 (one) word into register.
02H to read the bits data (Max. 16 bits). 05H to write 1 (one) bit into register.
5. Address and Content of Data Register:
Address Content
Measuring unit is 0.1, updated one time in 0.4 second
The following reading value display indicates error occurs:
8002H : Initial process (Temperature value is not got yet)
8003H : Temperature sensor is not connected
1000H Process value (PV)
8004H : Temperature sensor input error
8006H : Cannot get temperature value, ADC input error
Process value (PV)
8007H : Memory read/write error
1001H Set point (SV)
Unit is 0.1,
C or
1002H Upper-limit of temperature
The data content should not be higher than the temperature range
1003H Lower-limit of temperature
The data content should not be lower than the temperature range
Input temperature sensor type
Please refer to the contents of the “Temperature Sensor Type and
Temperature Range” for detail
1005H Control method
0: PID, 1: ON/OFF, 2: manual tuning, 3: PID grogram control
1006H Heating/Cooling control
0: Heating, 1: Cooling, 2: Heating/Cooling, 3: Cooling/Heating
1007H 1st group of Heating/Cooling
control cycle
0~99, 0:0.5 sec
1008H 2nd group of Heating/Cooling
control cycle
0~99, 0:0.5 sec
1009H PB Proportional band
0.1 ~ 999.9
100AH Ti Integral time
100BH Td Derivative time
100CH Integration default
0~100%, unit is 0.1%
100DH Proportional control offset
error value, when Ti = 0
0~100%, unit is 0.1%
100EH The setting of COEF when
Dual Loop output control are
0.01 ~ 99.99
100FH The setting of Dead band
when Dual Loop output control
are used
-999 ~ 9999
1010H Hysteresis setting value of the
1st output group
0 ~ 9999
1011H Hysteresis setting value of the
2nd output group
0 ~ 9999
1012H Output value read and write of
Output 1
Unit is 0.1%, write operation is valid under manual tuning mode only.
1013H Output value read and write of
Output 2
Unit is 0.1%, write operation is valid under manual tuning mode only.
1014H Upper-limit regulation of
analog linear output
1 Unit = 2.8uA(Current Output) = 1.3mV(Linear Voltage Output)
1015H Lower-limit regulation of
analog linear output
1 Unit = 2.8uA(Current Output) = 1.3mV(Linear Voltage Output)