Configuration Options for Trigno System
Trigno System Information
The Information tab presents information pertaining to the system and its
Figure 6: Trigno System panel.
Transmission Frequencies
Wireless communication occurs on varieties of frequencies throughout the
acceptable 2.4 GHz spectrum. Four frequency sets are av
ailable (“A”, “B”, “C”
and “D”) and are displayed in this field.
Firmware Version
The current firmware version is shown in this field.
Serial Number
Each Trigno Base Station has a unique serial number and identifier address
which is shown in this field.
Network Size
This field indicates the number of sensors supported by this base.
Launch Test Panel
Places the Trigno Base Station in a test mode to assist with verification of analog
output signal connections. Each of the 64 analog output channels is configured
to produce a unique sinusoid which can be verified by properly sampling these
channels with secondary acquisition system.