2. Set the frequency you selected on the
XM Universal Adaptor using the two
switches on the top edge of the adaptor.
First use the switch labeled “88 107” to
select either the high band (107.xMHz) or
the low band (88.xMHz). Next use the
other switch to set the exact frequency
setting: xxx.1MHz, xxx.3MHz, xxx.5MHz,
or xxx.7MHz. Note: The radio frequency
must always be set to the same value as
the XM Universal Audio Adaptor frequency
to hear the XM programming.
Note: Help protect your Universal Audio
Adaptor by covering the switches with
the two rubber sealing bands supplied
with your Delphi XM SKYFi Marine Kit.
See figure 2 on page 3.
Auto-On/Auto-Off Feature
The XM Universal Audio Adaptor will
automatically switch on when your SKYFi
Receiver is turned on. (There may be a
10-15 second delay between turning the
SKYFi Receiver on and the Audio Adaptor
green light being displayed.) The adaptor will
also switch off when your SKYFi Receiver is
turned off. Note: A green indicator light on
the adaptor is visible as long as there is an
XM Satellite Radio signal available from the
receiver. There may be situations under
normal use where the green indicator light
remains on for a short period of time (up to
a minute) after the receiver is switched off.