Function Key Behavior
Specifies the behavior of the function key
Default: Function key
Battery Health
Displays a message about the battery
BIOS Recovery from Hard Drive
You can enable or disable the BIOS
Recovery from Hard Drive.
Default: Enabled
BIOS Auto Recovery
You can enable or disable the BIOS Auto
Default: Disabled
BIOS Recovery Optimization
You can enable or disable the BIOS
Recovery Optimization
Default: Enabled
Miscellaneous Devices
External USB Ports
These fields let you enable or disable
various on-board devices.
Default: Enabled
You can enable or disable the Microphone.
Default: Enabled
You can enable or disable the Camera
Default: Enabled
Internal Bluetooth
You can enable or disable the Internal
Default: Enabled
Internal WLAN
You can enable or disable the Internal
Default: Enabled
Media Card Reader
You can enable or disable the Media Card
Default: Enabled
Optical Device
You can enable or disable the Optical
Default: Enabled
Boot Disable
You can enable or disable the Boot Disable.
Default: Disabled
USB debug
You can enable or disable the USB debug.
Default: Disabled
Auto OS Recovery Threshold
Allows you to control the automatic boot
flow for SupportAssist System. Options are:
2 (enabled by default)
SupportAssist OS Recovery
Allows you to recover the SupportAssist OS
Default: Disabled
Battery Charge Configuration
You can enable or disable the Battery
Charge Configuration
Default: Adaptive
Table 7. Security
Unlock Setup Status
You can enable an Unlock Setup Status (Default: Unlocked).
Admin Password Status
You can set, change or delete the administrator (admin) password status
System Password Status
You can set, change or delete the system password status.
HDD Passwords Status
You can set, change or delete the password on the system hard-disk drive.
Asset Tag
This field displays your system's asset tag. If the asset tag is not already set, this field can be
used to enter it.
Admin Password
Allows you to change or delete the administrator password.
System Password
Allows you to change or delete the system password.
System Setup