Understanding Your Thin Client
Understanding Your Thin Client
Users and Groups
What is a User Account?
The term user account should not be confused with the actual User account that
is the default account upon log-in. For each person using the terminal, the
owner can create an individual account. Each user account created can have
certain rights or permissions as chosen by the Administrator account. The
Administrator account can create, delete, and edit each of the users' settings
whenever needed.
User Account
The User account is the account that will automatically log-in at every boot. It
is also the account that should be used for guests or any user what should be
prohibited from modifying the thin client or its local drive in any way. There is
no password on this account by default. The User account holder can change his
or her account picture and create, delete, or change their account password. The
user account cannot change their own account name or account type, nor can
they install or uninstall any software. They may, however, use software
installed by the Administrator account.