Getting Help: Dell Latitude CPi A-Series System User's Guide
Belgium* (Brussels)
Customer Technical Support 02 4819288
Customer Care 02 481 91 19
Home/Small Business Sales toll free: 0800 16884
Corporate Sales 02 481 91 00
Fax 02 481 92 99
Switchboard 02 481 91 00
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/be
E-mail: [email protected]
NOTE: Customers in Brunei call Malaysia for
sales, customer, and technical assistance.
Customer Technical Support (Penang, Malaysia) 810 4966
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 810 4949
Transaction Sales (Penang, Malaysia) 810 4955
Canada (North York, Ontario)
NOTE: Customers in Canada call the U.S.A.
for access to TechConnect BBS.
Automated Order-Status System toll free: 1-800-433-9014
AutoTech (Automated technical support) toll free: 1-800-247-9362
Customer Care (From outside Toronto) toll free: 1-800-387-5759
Customer Care (From within Toronto) 416 758-2400
Customer Technical Support toll free: 1-800-847-4096
Sales (Direct Sales—from outside Toronto) toll free: 1-800-387-5752
Sales (Direct Sales—from within Toronto) 416 758-2200
Sales (Federal government, education, and medical) toll free: 1-800-567-7542
Sales (Major Accounts) toll free: 1-800-387-5755
TechConnect BBS (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.) 512-728-8528
TechFax toll free: 1-800-950-1329
Chile (Santiago)
NOTE: Customers in Chile call the U.S.A for
sales, customer, and technical assistance.
Sales, Customer Support, and Technical Support toll free: 1230-020-4823
China (Xiamen)
Customer Service toll free: 800 858 2437
Sales toll free: 800 858 2222
Czech Republic* (Prague)
Technical Support 02 22 83 27 27
Customer Care 02 22 83 27 11
Fax 02 22 83 27 14
TechFax 02 22 83 27 28
Switchboard 02 22 83 27 11
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/cz
E-mail: [email protected]
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