CPU temperature 48 C
Number of batteries 1
---- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------
NVRAM Batteries:
Card Battery Status Charge Charging Time To Temperature Voltage
Status Full Charge
---- ------- ------ ------ -------- ----------- ---------- -----
1 1 ok 95 % enabled 0 mins 37 C 4.044 V
---- ------- ------ ------ -------- ----------- ----------- -------
6. Enter the
enclosure show misconfiguration
command to verify if the NVRAM is missing. The following example
output indicates that the NVRAM is missing from
Slot 0
enclosure show misconfiguration
Memory DIMMs:
No misconfiguration found.
IO Cards:
Slot Device Status
---- ---------- -------
0 NVRAM missing
---- ---------- -------
No misconfiguration found.
No misconfiguration found.
Erase the NVRAM data
Erase the NVRAM data before shutting down the system. The procedures for erasing the NVRAM are different for single nodes
and HA pairs.
About this task
Perform the appropriate steps for the customer configuration.
Single node system NVRAM data erasure
About this task
Complete the following steps to erase the NVRAM data on a single node system.
1. Check the status of the file system and disable it if necessary.
If the file system is not shut down, you will not be able to erase the data from the NVRAM
and you will get a message such as
**** This operation is not allowed when the filesystem
is enabled **** Error retrieving information (This operation is not allowed when the
filesystem is enabled).
a. Run the
filesys status
command to verify the state of the file system.
b. If the file system is enabled, run the filesys disable command to disable it.
filesys disable
This action will disable the file system.
Applications may experience interruptions
while the file system is disabled.
Are you sure? (yes|no) [no]: yes
ok, proceeding.
Field Replaceable Units