Initial setup and verification
Before you begin the switch module configuration, ensure that you configure the management GUI is correctly and that your workstation is
properly connected. For more information, see the support documentation that comes with your blade server chassis.
To configure and connect to the switch module, you need the following:
A switch module installed in a blade server chassis
A workstation with access to the chassis management GUI
A serial cable to connect to the switch module serial console port, if required
You can change the switch module IP address only through the chassis management GUI.
An unused IP address and a corresponding subnet mask and gateway address if you did not use DHCP to set the DHCP address
Access to an FTP server to back up the switch module configuration
Switch module power
The blade server chassis power supply provides power to the switch module. There is no separate power supply required.
IP addresses
DHCP is the default IP address mode. When using DHCP, the switch obtains its IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address from
the DHCP server. The DHCP client can only connect to a DHCP server that is on the same subnet as the switch. If your DHCP server is
not on the same subnet as the switch, use a static IP address.
Initial setup and verification