Failsafes during flight
The following failsafe mechanisms activate when a technical issue occurs that reduces the safe behavior of
the rover:
Loss of GPS lock during flight, page 87
Loss of communication link during flight, page 87
Low battery and loss of communication for more than 30 seconds, page 87
Loss of GPS lock during flight
If the rover does not receive GPS communications for a period of 4 seconds, then a notification appears on
the tablet, and the following automatic failsafe mechanism is activated:
1. The rover banks at an angle of 25° while orbiting at its current location for 20 seconds. If the rover
successfully reacquires GPS lock, then it flies to the specified landing location and begins a normal
landing sequence.
2. If the rover is unable to reacquire GPS lock, then it activates the Flight Termination System (FTS).
During FTS:
a. The motor powers down and the speed lowers to 70 kph (43 mph).
b. The rover orbits down in 200 m (656 ft) diameter circles until it reaches a height of 10 m (33 ft).
Note –
During FTS without GPS lock, the rover attempts to circle but the outcome is elliptical
circles as the rover is subject to wind drift.
c. The rover levels its wings, slows, and glides to the ground.
Loss of communication link during flight
If the rover does not receive a communication packet for the time specified in the
Communication timeout
field in the
Autopilot settings
group of the
screen, or if the communication link is poor and
communication packets are being received intermittently, then from the moment that communication is
lost, a message appears on the tablet showing a timer counting down. The initial value of the timer is the
communication timeout value. When the timer reaches 0, the rover flies to the specified landing location
and begins a normal landing sequence.
When communication is lost, the dashboard does not receive any updates from the rover
and all interaction with the rover is disabled. Make sure you have clear visual contact with the rover.
Unlike a normal landing, you are not prompted to confirm landing before the final leg of the landing.
If communication resumes during this automatic failsafe, the rover continues the landing sequence.
Low battery and loss of communication for more than 30 seconds
If the rover battery life is less than 15% and the communication is lost for more than 30 seconds, then the
rover flies to the specified landing location and begins a normal landing sequence.
When communication is lost, the dashboard does not receive any updates from the rover
and all interaction with the rover is disabled. Make sure you have clear visual contact with the rover.
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