Deif Delomatic 4 AOP-2 Replacement Instructions Download Page 4

DM-4 Land/DM-4 Marine  


Replacement Instructions, AOP-2






Page 4 of 4 

Setup of AOP-2 CAN no. 

The AOP-2 needs a CAN no. to tell the system which AOP-2 it is on the BUS. If there is only one 
AOP-2, the no. is set to 1. If there is more than one, they will be numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. 


To set up the CAN no., first press the 2 buttons to the right for 5 sec. The no. is indicated with a 
red light in the first left column of LEDs. If LED no.1 is on, it has no. 1, if LED no. 2 is on, it has 
no. 2 and so on. To scroll up and down, use the two buttons to the right. To choose the selected 
no., press the enter button. This button is also used to exit the setup. See the illustration below 
to find the different buttons and LEDs. 







LEDs 1-5 indicate CAN no. 


   Enter/exit push-button.         

Push-buttons  to  enter 

setup and change no. 
of CAN. 

Please notice: 
If two displays have the same ID, LEDs 1-5 will flash quickly. 
Button 6 - jump into the “ID change menu”. 

DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the above.

