AWC 500
System software
Linux with PREEMPT_RT real-time patch
The operating system completes start-up within
5 seconds from power turned on. The system
it based on the latest open source Linux kernels real-time
patched with the widely accepted PREEMPT_RT patch,
and features Busybox (the Switch Army Knife of Embedded
Linux), Dropbear (Secure shell (SSH) client) etc.
Remote update with fault-back
Two OS images are included to ensure fail-safe update of
software, both separated from the Application File System.
Secured access and communication
Customer manages all credentials (root and user passwords)
and can add individual users.
All access to AWC 500 is authenticated communication using
standard communication protocols:
► Secure Shell (SSH), version 2, server and client
► Secure Copy (SCP), server and client
► Secure/SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), server
► Build-in VPN client
► Configurable Ethernet broadcast storm rejection filter
Other network protocols supported are:
► File Transfer Protocol (FTP), server and client
► Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), client
► Network Time Protocol (NTP), client
► Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), client
Webbased configuration and managed update
The same, simple and safe update procedure is used for:
► Operating System
► Firmware
► CODESYS runtime
► User scripts and
► Application
Simply drag and drop the compressed files .dupdates
packages (DEIF updates) to the AWC 500 filesystem,
automatically initiating update of the system.