Alternately you can pry at a corner of the back panel with a small flat head screwdriver,
but this method risks chewing up the cabinet corner a bit.
Stand over the speaker with one foot on each side.
Grasp the power cord securely with your dominant hand.
Place your off hand on the speaker, such that only the corner of the back plate is
beneath your palm. It should be the corner closest to the power cord.
With the corner of the back plate beneath your palm you do not have to
worry about pulling the entire amp out while still connected.
Pull up on the cord while pressing down on the speaker with your offhand.
Do not yank the cord like you are trying to start a lawnmower, instead
apply steady but increasing pressure.
Pull up with as purely vertical a motion as possible.
If needed wrap the power cable around your wrist for added leverage
Once the incidental seal between the back panel and the cabinet is broken you can
ease off the tension.
Use the flat head screwdriver to help separate the back panel from the plasticized
cardboard gasket. Ideally, as it anchors the trimmed down grill fabric, as much of
the gasket stays in place as possible.
Once free from the cabinet, gently lift out the amp using as purely lateral motion
as space will allow.
Use caution: although we have freed the amp from the gasket, it is still
connected via harnesses to internal components.
Gently rest the low-level amp across the back of the cabinet.
Snap a pic to be sure you maintain the orientation of which wires connect to
which jumpers or make a note. Do not rely solely on memory.
There will be 2 wiring harnesses that connect the low-level amp and the high level amp.
Remove the blocks for both harnesses from the circuitry on the inside of the back
Set aside the removed and disconnected low-level amp.
Disconnect the temperature gauge.
The temperature gauge is the single silver wire (black insulation) that is connected
to the woofer’s magnet by a single small silver Phillips head screw.
Disconnect it from the woofer but leave it connected to the high-level board.
Reserve the little silver screw in the container labeled low-level amp.
Unscrew this wire from the woofer and place the screw in the cup labeled
Do Not Remove the Gasket
Once you have the amp completely removed: Identify the staples that were pulled up
from the gasket when the amp was removed.
If necessary, stretch the portion of grill fabric back into place, then use a hammer or the
butt end of a screwdriver to gently but firmly push or tap the staples securing the gasket
back into place.