NIM2-MAN-19V01 (1104)
Copyright © 2019 Define Instruments
6.3 - Main Navigation
View basic device information including Se-
rial Number and firmware version. Password
protect, export a configuration certificate,
and save/upload configuration settings.
Serial Port
This tab is only visible if you are connected to
your Nimbus IoT via the USB Programming
Port. It enables you to configure a range of
settings for the default RS232 / RS485 port.
Set up and scale the input channels. Includes
integrated wiring diagrams and examples.
Digital Inputs
Set up the four digital inputs and view their
live status.
Configure up to 10 totalizers using either an
input channel or a digital input as the source.
Configure up to 16 setpoints which can be
activated by an input, a digital input or a
totalizer. Configure alarms or control func-
tions by selecting from a variety of pre-pro-
grammed modes.
Configure the 3 relay outputs. These may
be driven from one or more setpoints, or
directly from one of the digital input pins.
Cloud Transfer
Configure your data logging interval, set the
time, and select which channels are sent to
the Cloud.
Data Viewer
View and analyze your live data and down-
load it to your computer.
Plugins are small programs which are loaded
into the Nimbus IoT to expand its function-
ality or simplify its use. Available plugins for
the Nimbus IoT include:
WiFi (requires WiFi hardware)
Enables your Nimbus IoT to wirelessly
connect to a LAN or the internet
via a local WiFi network, allowing
it to become a Modbus TCP server
for configuration or data viewing
applications, or to send regular data log
updates to a variety of IoT Cloud service
CAT-M1 Cellular
(requires Cellular
CAT-M1 hardware)
Enables your Nimbus IoT to wirelessly
connect to the internet via a cellular
CAT-M1 network, allowing it to send
regular data log updates to a variety
of IoT Cloud service providers. (Note:
requires an operating CAT-M1 cellular
network in your area.)