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Manual Propor�oning Unit
Dedoes P# MPU02
Part # SA0155 Glass Cylinder and Piston Replacement Instruc�ons
• Make certain the MPU pumps are empty. Keep the arm in the down posi�on.
• Remove both P0435 Rod and Clip from both pump assemblies.
• Once free from the pump assemblies, li� the arm up and rest it on the frame out of the way.
• Remove the three P1888 Nuts from the pump you wish to replace/repair.
• Gently li� up on the P0436 Clevis to loosen the pump assembly.
• Pull the P0436 Clevis and its a�ached components up and out of the P2603 Glass Cylinder.
• Carefully remove the P2603 Glass Cylinder.
• Insert a screwdriver through both holes in P0436 Clevis.
• Loosen P0478 nut, remove P0436 Clevis and P0478 nut.
• Remove P0465 Top Pump Cap and P0466 Top Seal.
• Insert old P0466 Top Seal onto new SA0155.
• Insert old P0465 Top Pump Cap onto new SA0155.
• Thread old P0478 nut onto new SA0155.
• Thread old P0436 Clevis onto new SA0155.
• Insert Phillips screwdriver through both holes in P0436 Clevis and hold firmly. Insert Allen key wrench into P0477 and check that
P0477 is �ghten securely. Wet lower inside of glass cylinder with reducer.
• Holding Phillips screwdriver and top sec�on of shown unit slide seals up and down, check that seal is sliding with slight resistance.
Do not pull seals out of top or bo�om of glass cylinder.
• Inspect the P0470 seal, this part should s�ll be in channel of bo�om cylinder gland. If damaged stop and replace P0470.
• Carefully start re-assembly by inser�ng the long threaded end of �e rods two full turns into top of lower cylinder gland.
• Carefully install above unit SA0155 into lower cylinder gland channel of P1891 while inser�ng �e rods through holes in upper
cylinder gland P0465. Install acorn nuts onto top of �e rods finger �ght. Tighten the P1888 nut a li�le at a �me to final torque of 30
inch pounds of torque.
• Lower and hold the arm in posi�on while inser�ng P0435 into both pumps.
• Install the clips.
• Adjust height of P0436 so both P0476 parts bo�om out or touch P1891 parts at the same �me. Tighten P0478 against P0436.
• Perform a pressure test to check for leaks prior to use. See page 1 for Pressure test steps.
SA0155 Cylinder and Piston
Replacement Kit includes:
one P2603, one P0472, one
P1893, one SA0154, one
P0476, and one P0477