Removing the charcoal filter/s: take away the metallic grille (Fig.3a) and the grease filter (Fig.3b). Remove the
coal filter pushing the lock inside, rotate the filter until taking away the two small tongues from their sides (Fig.16).
Prepare the power supply within the telescopic flues (for the electrical
connection, follow all the other instructions on the “Warnings” sheet).
Fixing to the wall:
for fixing to the wall refer to the instructions for the ducting version (see points 2, 3, 4), then continue
with the instructions below.
Fixing the telescopic flues:
- Assemble the tube support using a 4 screws kit (Fig.8); - Then, by means of the
screw anchors and screws (F) provided, fix the bracket to the ceiling in such a way that it is positioned along the axis
with your hood (Fig.9). - Mount the flange on the hood in correspondence to the air outlet point (Fig.13). – Take the air
baffle and fit a flexible pipe to it (125 mm diameter) locking it with a metal hose clamp (pipe and clamps are not provided).
Fit the air baffle to the upper flue (Fig.14) with 4 screws.
- Connect the flexible pipe to the flange on the air vent (Fig.15). - Plug in the hood. Insert the extension flues setting them
on the hood; extend the upper flue to the ceiling and secure with the 2 screws H (Fig.12).
CONTROLS shown in Fig.17
Turns the LIGHTS off
Turns the LIGHTS on.
Decreases speed down to minimum speed. If pressed for 2" the motor is turned off.
Activates the motor (calling the last speed used) and increases the speed until reaching maximum..
FILTER ALARM/TIMER RESET: when pressing the key during display of the filter alarm (motor off) it resets the hour
counter. When pressing the key when the motor is running, the TIMER is activated and the hood will automatically be switched
off after 5 minutes.
The 4 green LEDs indicate the running speed.
When the LED is red (motor off) it indicates the FILTER ALARM. When the LED is green (flashing) it indicates that
the TIMER has been activated with the key E.
After 30h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED. It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED and flashes; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and
the charcoal filters replaced.
After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter (RESET) by pressing the
key E during display of the filter alarm.
Grease filters
: special attention must be given to the grease filters which must be periodically cleaned, whenever
the grease filter alarm trips. For instructions of the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph. Remove the filters as
shown in para. 1 and wash with neutral detergent.
Charcoal filters
: if the filtering version appliance is used, the charcoal filters will have to be periodically replaced
when the charcoal filter alarm trips. For instructions on the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph.
Removing the charcoal filter/s: take away the metallic grille (Fig.3a) and the grease filter (Fig.3b). Remove the coal filter
pushing the lock inside, rotate the filter until taking away the two small tongues from their sides (Fig.16).
: to reach the lamps you remove the metallic support tightening the two screws (Fig. 18) and moving it oo
the right ; to replace the halogen lamps tighten the locknut in the anti-clockwise direction and pull out the bulb (Fig.19).
Replace the lamps of the same type.
Der Mindestabstand zwischen der Topf-Trägerfläche auf der Kochmulde und dem unteren Teil der Abzughaube
muss 65 cm betragen. Geben die Installationsanleitungen der Kochmulde einen höheren Abstand an, so ist
dieser einzuhalten.
Ein Anschluss der Abluftleitungen an Verbrennung-sabgaskamine (zum Beispiel Zentralheizung, Heizgeräte,
Badezimmeröfen u
sw.) ist nicht gestattet.
In jedem Fall sind bei der Ableitung der Abluft die behördlichen Vorschriften zu beachten. Desweiteren darf
die Abluft nur dann durch ein Loch in der Wand geleitet werden, wenn dieses für diesen Zweck bestimmt ist.
Achtung! Bei gleichzeitigem Betrieb einer Abluft-Dunstabzugshaube und einer raumluftabhängigen Feuerstätte
(wie z. B. gas-, öl- oder kohlebetriebene Heizgeräte, Durchlauferhitzer, Warmwasserbereiter) ist Vorsicht
geboten, da beim Absaugen der Luft durch die Dunstabzugshaube dem Aufstellraum die Luft entnommen wird,
die die Feuerstätte zur Verbrennung benötigt. Ein gefahrloser Betrieb ist möglich, wenn bei gleichzeitigem
Summary of Contents for DHD497XE1
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