DeDietrich DHD497XE1 Instructions For Installation And Use Manual Download Page 6



 Removing the charcoal filter/s: take away the metallic grille (Fig.3a) and the grease filter (Fig.3b). Remove the

coal filter pushing the lock inside, rotate the filter until taking away the two small tongues from their sides (Fig.16).


Prepare the power supply within the telescopic flues (for the electrical

connection, follow all the other instructions on the “Warnings” sheet).

Fixing to the wall: 

for fixing to the wall refer to the instructions for the ducting version (see points 2, 3, 4), then continue

with the instructions below.

Fixing the telescopic flues:

 - Assemble the tube support using  a 4 screws kit  (Fig.8);  - Then, by means of the

screw anchors and screws (F) provided, fix the bracket to the ceiling in such a way that it is positioned along the axis
with your hood (Fig.9). - Mount the flange on the hood in correspondence to the air outlet point (Fig.13). – Take the air
baffle and fit a flexible pipe to it (125 mm diameter) locking it with a metal hose clamp (pipe and clamps are not provided).
Fit the air baffle to the upper flue (Fig.14) with 4 screws.
- Connect the flexible pipe to the flange on the air vent (Fig.15). - Plug in the hood. Insert the extension flues setting them
on the hood; extend the upper flue to the ceiling and secure with the 2 screws H (Fig.12).


CONTROLS shown in Fig.17



 Turns the LIGHTS off


 Turns the LIGHTS on.


 Decreases speed down to minimum speed. If pressed for 2" the motor is turned off.


 Activates the motor (calling the last speed used) and increases the speed until reaching maximum..


 FILTER ALARM/TIMER RESET: when pressing the key during display of the filter alarm (motor off) it resets the hour

counter. When pressing the key when the motor is running, the TIMER is activated and the hood will automatically be switched
off after 5  minutes.


 The 4 green LEDs indicate the running speed.


 When the LED is red (motor off) it indicates the FILTER ALARM. When the LED is green (flashing) it indicates that

the TIMER has been activated with the key E.
After 30h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED. It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED and flashes; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and
the charcoal filters replaced.
After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter (RESET) by pressing the
key E during display of the filter alarm.

Grease filters

: special attention must be given to the grease filters which must be periodically cleaned, whenever

the grease filter alarm trips. For instructions of the filter Alarm, refer  to the Controls paragraph. Remove the filters as
shown in para. 1 and wash with neutral detergent.

Charcoal filters

: if the filtering version appliance is used, the charcoal filters will have to be periodically replaced

when the charcoal filter alarm trips. For instructions on the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph.
Removing the charcoal filter/s: take away the metallic grille (Fig.3a) and the grease filter (Fig.3b). Remove the coal filter
pushing the lock inside, rotate the filter until taking away the two small tongues from their sides (Fig.16).


: to reach the lamps you remove the metallic support  tightening the two screws (Fig. 18) and moving it oo

the right ; to replace the halogen lamps tighten the locknut in the anti-clockwise direction and pull out the bulb (Fig.19).
Replace the lamps of the same type.



Der Mindestabstand zwischen der Topf-Trägerfläche auf der Kochmulde und dem unteren Teil der Abzughaube
muss 65 cm betragen. Geben die Installationsanleitungen der Kochmulde einen höheren Abstand an, so ist
dieser einzuhalten.
Ein Anschluss der Abluftleitungen an Verbrennung-sabgaskamine (zum Beispiel Zentralheizung, Heizgeräte,
Badezimmeröfen u

sw.) ist nicht gestattet.

In jedem Fall sind bei der Ableitung der Abluft die behördlichen Vorschriften zu beachten. Desweiteren darf
die Abluft nur dann durch ein Loch in der Wand geleitet werden, wenn dieses für diesen Zweck bestimmt ist.
Achtung! Bei gleichzeitigem Betrieb einer Abluft-Dunstabzugshaube und einer raumluftabhängigen Feuerstätte
(wie z. B. gas-, öl- oder kohlebetriebene Heizgeräte, Durchlauferhitzer, Warmwasserbereiter) ist Vorsicht
geboten, da beim Absaugen der Luft durch die Dunstabzugshaube dem Aufstellraum die Luft entnommen wird,
die die Feuerstätte zur Verbrennung benötigt. Ein gefahrloser Betrieb ist möglich, wenn bei gleichzeitigem

Summary of Contents for DHD497XE1

Page 1: ...uctions for installation and use Montage und gebrauchsanweisung Istruzioni per l installazione e l uso Instrucciones para instalación y uso Instruções de instalação y utilização Aanwijzing voor gebruik en installatie DHD497XE1 ...

Page 2: ...ces dispositifs de séparation du réseau doivent alors être prévus dans l installation fixe Si votre appareil est muni d un câble d alimentation positionner l appareil de manière à ce que la fiche soit accessible Avant de procéder à une opération d entretien ou de nettoyage quelconque débranchez l appareil UTILISATION Evitez d utiliser des matériaux qui provoquent des flammes à proximité de l appar...

Page 3: 4 vis en dotation Fig 8 ensuite à l aide des chevilles et des vis F fournies fixer le support au plafond en faisant attention qu il soit dans l axe de la hotte Fig 9 5b Raccordezleconduitpourl évacuationdel airàlabouchedesortied airdelahotte utilisezuntuyausoupleetbloquez le sur la bouche de sortie d air de la hotte à l aide d un collier métallique Fig 10 le tuyau et le collier ne sont pas four...

Page 4: ...tion exhaust air should not be discharged into a wall cavity unless the cavity is designed for that purpose The room must be well ventilated in case a hood and some other heat equipment fed with an energy other than electricity gas oil coal heaters etc operate at the same time The intake hood could create a vacuum indeed by extracting the air out the room The vacuum should not exceed 0 04mbar This...

Page 5: ...a takeawaythegreasefilterpushing down and rotating outside Fig 3b INSTALLATIONINDUCTINGVERSION Beforefixing theoutletpipeforairevacuationtotheoutsidemustbeinstalled Useanoutletpipewith minimumindispensablelength minimumpossiblebends maximumangleofbend 90 certified material according to the State an as smooth as possible inside It is also advisable to avoid any drastic changes in pipe cross section...

Page 6: ...n the LED L2 turns RED and flashes It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and the charcoal filters replaced After cleaning the grease filters and or replacing the charcoal filters restart the hour counter RESET by pressing the key E during display of the filter alarm Grease filters special attention must be given to the grease filters which must be periodically cleaned whenever th...

Page 7: ...eutralreiniger angefeuchtetes Tuch verwenden für die äußere Reinigung der Geräte aus Stahl Kupfer und Messing wird die Verwendung von Spezial produkten empfohlen wobei die auf dem Produkte angegebenen Anweisungen zu beachten sind für die innere Reinigung der Geräte einen in denaturalisierten Äthylalkohol eingetauchten Lappen oder Pinsel verwenden BESCHREIBUNG Die Haube steht in Umluftversion und i...

Page 8: ...äß der unten aufgeführten Anweisungen fortfahren Befestigung der Teleskoprohre Die Schlauchhalterung mit den 4 mitgelieferten Schrauben verbinden Abb 8 Anschließend mit Hilfe der mitgelieferten Dübel und Schrauben F den Bügel so an der Decke befestigen dass er mit der Haubeausgerichtetist Abb 9 DasReduzierstückamLuftaustrittspunktaufdieHaubemontieren Abb 13 Befestigen Sie einen Schlauch Durchmesse...

Page 9: le seguenti istruzioni ATTENZIONE questo apparecchio deve essere collegato a terra Nell operazione di collegamento elettrico assicurarsi che la presa di corrente sia munita di collegamento di terra Nell operazione di collegamento elettrico verificare che i valori di tensione corrispondano con quelli indicati nella targa inserita all interno dell apparecchio Se il Vostro apparecchio non è provvi...

Page 10: ...ridafare C sganciarelacappaedeffettuareiforisegnati diametro8mm utilizzarepoi6tassellie6viti indotazione per il fissaggio definitivo 4 Montare la flangia sulla bocca uscita aria dell apparecchio esercitando una leggera pressione Fig 7 5 Fissaggiodeitubitelescopici 5a Assiemare il supporto tubo utilizzando 4 viti in dotazione Fig 8 successivamente mediante i tasselli e le viti F in dotazione fissar...

Page 11: ...el humo descargado por otros aparatos que no funcionan con energía eléctrica instalaciones de calefacción central radiadores calentadores etc La descarga del aire viciado debe hacerse según las prescripciones de las autoridades competentes Además el aire de descarga no tiene que ser eliminado a través de una cavidad de la pared a menos que dicha cavidad esté destinada a tal fin Proveer una adecuad...

Page 12: ...cargadelairehaciaelexterior sigatodaslasdemásindicacionesqueaparecenenlapágina Advertencias Preparar los cables de alimentación eléctrica dentro de las dimensiones del tubo decorativo para la conexión eléctrica seguir las restantes indicaciones de la página Advertencias 2 Montar la placa del sistema eléctrico según la versión fijándola mediante 2 tornillos y 2 arandelas metálicas Fig 3C 3 Fijación...

Page 13: ...e carbón En cuanto los filtros antigrasa estén limpios o sustituidos los filtros de carbón presione la tecla E durante la visualización de la alarma de filtros para que se reanude el conteo de las horas RESET Filtrosantigrasa Losfiltrosantigrasarequierenunaatenciónparticularyaquedebenserlimpiadosperiódicamente cuando aparece la alarma correspondiente Las instrucciones sobre la alarma de los filtro...

Page 14: ...bido em álcool etílico desnaturado DESCRIÇÃO O aparelho pode ser instalado na versão filtrante ou na versão aspirante Versão filtrante Fig 1 o exaustor aspira o ar impregnado de fumos e cheiros da cozinha depurando o através dos filtros anti gordura e dos filtros de carvão e depois reintroduz o ar purificado no ambiente Para que a sua eficiência seja constante é necessário substituir os filtros de...

Page 15: ...ntar a redução por cima do exaustor na posição correspondente ao ponto de saída de ar Fig 13 Agarrar no deflector de ar e fixar nele um tubo flexível com 125 mm de diâmetro imobilizando o com uma braçadeira metálica otuboeasbraçadeirasnãosãofornecidoscomoexaustor fixarodeflectordearaotubosuperior Fig 14 com4parafusos Ligar o tubo flexível à redução existente na boca de saída de ar Fig 15 Fazer a l...

Page 16: ... de spanningswaarden overeenstem men met de waarden die vermeld staan op het plaatje in het apparaat Indien Uw apparaat niet voorzien is van niet splitsbaar flexibel snoer en stekker of van een ander mechanisme dat de eenpoligheid uitschakeling verzekert van de netspanning met een openingswijdte tussen de kontakten van tenminste 3mm dan moet het apparaat dus worden voorzien van een soortgelijk net...

Page 17: ...asten komt te zitten Mocht het noodzakelijk zijn om de afzuigkap ook in de hoogte af te stellen dan moet u aan de speciale stelschroeven B draaien meegeleverd Teken na de afstelling zonder de kap weg te halen de andere 6 gaten die moeten worden geboord C af op de muur haak de kap los en boor de gaten die u getekend heeft diameter 8mm maak vervolgens gebruik van de 6 meegeleverde pluggen en schroev...

Page 18: ...ervangen zijn wordt tijdens de weergave van het filteralarm gedrukt op de knop E om de UREN telling opnieuw te starten RESET Vetfilters bijzondere zorg dient te worden besteed aan de vetfilters die regelmatig moeten worden schoongemaakt wanneerhetalarm vetfilters verschijnt Voorinstructiesoverhetalarmvandefilters ziedeparagraafBedieningselementen Demonteer de filters zoals beschreven onder punt 1 ...

Page 19: ...3a 4 1 2 3b 3C ...

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Page 23: ...te de votre appareil type de l appareil et numéro de série Ces renseignements figurent sur la plaque signalétique fixée à l interieur de l appareil Les descriptions et les caractéristiques apportées dans ce livret sont données seulement à titre d information et non d engagement En effet soucieux de la qualité de nos produits nous nous réservons le droit d effectuer sans préavis toutes modification...

Page 24: Brandt 0 34 euros par minute Service fourni par Brandt Customer Service société par actions simplifiée au capital de 2 500 000 euros 5 7 Avenue des Béthunes 95310 Saint Ouen l Aumône RCS Pontoise 440 303 303 Relations consommateurs 04307395 ...
