This product has no user serviceable parts inside, nor are there any
internal parts that are prone to failure. The only maintenance this
amplifier requires is occasional cleaning and regular tube changes.
To Clean the amp a cloth or paper towel can be used dampened with
water or window cleaner such as “Windex”.
To keep the amplifier clean we recommend purchasing a natural bristle
paint brush and using it to keep the amplifier dusted. A 2 or 3 inch
brush is ideal.
Tubes should be replaced BEFORE they fail. A tube looses it’s
performance rela?ve to the hours of use, and frequency of clipping.
The best way to tell if your tubes need replaced when you don’t know
how many hours are on them, is to install a fresh set and see if the
amplifier sounds any beIer, or stronger.
For example, the two 6P15P-EB output tubes can be replaced with a
new set and then the amplifier can be listened to. If no substan?al
improvements are heard, the new tubes can be returned to their boxes
and the test can be repeated again in 6 months or whenever there is
doubt. The same can be done for the INPUT tube and the RECTIFIER
Always have a fresh set tubes on hand at all ?mes because you can
never predict when a tube is going fail, become noisy, or simply stop
sounding good. It is the nature of modern day tubes made in third
world countries.
The only maintenance on the tubes themselves is to keep the pins
straight and clean. A pencil eraser works well to clean the tube pins.
The visible parts of the Input jacks should be cleaned with alcohol using
a coIon swab as well as your interconnect cables, as connec?ons full of
finger oil and dirt do not sound good.