It is possible to shift gears both while stationary and when in motion.
However, the gearbox works more smoothly when the wheelchair is
in motion.
Remove and secure the wheels
Unlock the wheels by lifting the QR–hoop (Figure 8.5) and pull the
wheel straight out (Figure 8.6). To re-fix the wheel lift the QR-hoop,
insert the wheel axle in its receiver on the chair whilst at the same
time engaging the peg on the wheel’s rotation arm with the receiver
in the adaptor on the wheelchair (Figure 8.7). The wheel’s QR-hoop
then drops down to its parked position and the wheel is locked
in place (Figure 8.8).
Fig 8.5
Fig 8.6
Fig 8.7
Fig 8.8
• It is preferable to remove the wheel when the gear lever is in the
direct drive (1:1) position.
• Check that the wheel is attached to the chair by pulling it outwards
and even shifting gears once to see that it does not slide out.
• Make sure the rotation lock is properly fitted. The peg on the
rotation arm is engaged in the receiver in the adaptor on the
9. Settings
The wheelchair settings and adjustments are made according to the
wheelchair manufacturer’s instructions. GEARWHEEL wheelchair wheels
provide the user with the unique ability to change gear. Although the
GEARWHEEL gearbox design is designed to require no adjustment, the
user is advised to check the wheelchair and the adaptors if the system is not
operating normally.