6. Safety precautions
Check delivered products
• Check the products supplied by GEARWHEEL.
Make sure you have one pair (2 units) of geared wheelchair
• Make sure you have one pair of the correct adaptors for your
specific wheelchair model.
• Make sure you have the correct hand rims.
Check GEARWHEEL’s equipment
Ensure the following:
• The wheels’ axles are easy to move in and out of their receivers.
• The wheels are attached properly after assembly on the
wheelchair, both in neutral and shifted position.
• The Quick Release hoop on the outside of the wheel locks the
wheel when not lifted up.
• None of the four wheels on the wheelchair is in the air when the
chair is on a flat surface.
• The rotation lock is in the correct position. This means that the
peg on the inside of each wheel is properly inserted in the hole in
the adaptor when the wheel is attached
see figure 8.7
Balance and tipping sensitivity
The ability to change gear on the wheelchair and the
engagement of the hill-holder can adversely affect the
balance and tipping sensitivity.
Operating Instructions
Before using GEARWHEEL: Read and follow the
instructions in the user manual.
In addition to the instructions that come from the wheelchair
manufacturer, it is important that you practice using your geared
wheelchair wheel. Anti-tip stabilisers MUST be used. Take the proper
time to familiarise yourself with your new wheels so that you are as
comfortable as possible with the various conditions that the gearing
options provide. If you have any questions about using GEARWHEEL
geared wheels on your wheelchair, please feel free to contact us or
your local sales representative.
Gear lever and finger pinching hazard
Risk of finger pinching between the shift lever and
the spoke guard. Never use the wheels without the
spoke guards.
Risk of finger pinching at the center of the wheel hub,
where there is a gap between the spoke guard and the hub.