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2. Modules
2.1 NLS 3000 MM01-E
Main module
Supply 230V/115V AC or 24V DC
Main and backup power switching
Power for modules and distribution for bus system
2 relay outputs for signalling
2 optocoupler inputs for signalling
Optional control panel with LCD display
Data module interface (same for FMS 3000 / DT01-E)
2.2 NLS 3000 LM08-E
8-channel lantern module
8 monitored, switched and protected light/lantern circuits
Main and backup power switching
2.3 NLS 3000 LM02-E
2-channel lantern module
2 monitored, switched and protected light/lantern circuits
Main and backup power switching
2.4 NLS 3000 BK**-E
Conventional control panel (mimic)
Ship mimic with 7 LEDs for main lights/lanterns
Display and switching option for up to 48 individual lights/lanterns
4x buttons for special light/lantern functions
Backlit button labelling field (dimmable)
2.5 NLS 3000 BG01-E
Graphic control panel (with touchscreen)
Graphic control panel with touchscreen (control options as on conventional control panel)
Jpg background images for light/lantern positions
2.6 NLS 3000 VM01-E
VDR module
(identical with FMS 3000)
Connection to VDR
2.7 NLS 3000 SM01-E
Slave module
(identical with FMS 3000)
Connect to ship automation system
2.8 NLS 3000 DT01-E
Data module
(identical with FMS 3000)
Module for data management and editing on SD card
Only for connection to specific interface
Identically used in FMS 3000
Use for service purposes or configuration updates
2.9 FMS 3000 RS232 terminal adapter
Interface for connection of the data module interface 8 (on NLS 3000 / MM01-E) with PC (RS232)
Use for service purposes only (see and respect the separate service manual for this!)