Take either of the silver eye
sockets and look for a small notch
in the silver rim, above the two
screw holes.
Holding the eye in place, take
one strip of black tape and start
wrapping it around the edge of
the white border, peeling away
the backing paper as you go.
Make sure that the tape does not
overlap the front of the eye.
There is more than enough tape to
go round once, so continue wrapping
when you reach the starting point
– it is not necessary to cut the tape.
Repeat Steps 9-13 for the second
eye and eye socket. You will see
that there is no difference between
the left and right eyes.
Insert the eye into the socket, so that the projection circled in Step 9 fits
into the notch in the rim and the parts fit together snugly.
Right head frame
If you have difficulty
finding the projection
indicated in the photo on
the left, turn the eye
over. You will see that the
white border is slightly
wider on one side, and
narrower on the other.
The projection is situated
directly below the widest
point of the white border.
Lay either of the eyes assembled in Stage 1 face down on your
worktop. Find the single small projection on the outer edge of
the white border.
Location of
the projection